- The short term movement of working capital was indeed one of the major reasons and causes of the financial turmoil. 流动资金短期的流动,确实是引发金融风暴的主要成因之一。
- However, because of varieties of reasons and causes, you cannot do that.Maybe the society has maliciously contrives a snare, which you unconsciously and willingly leap into. 也许社会就是这样给他们设好了陷阱,让他们不知不觉地,而且是心甘情愿的钻进去。
- This dissert makes survey on researches of the current pattern from view of reasons and causes of repricing, and makes value judgment about the pattern on the basis of the survey. 本文从再定价的动因和结果两个角度,对再定价的现行模式的研究文献进行综述,并在此基础上对再定价的现行模式作出价值判断。
- The university anniversary refracts the waste question of education and causes us to reconsider its original funds,the reason and the function of university anniversary. 校庆折射出的教育浪费问题引起我们对校庆经费来源、举办校庆原因、校庆的作用的反思。
- You must accept life on its terms, and not demand that it behave in certain ways. You must accept life gladly, as its own reason and cause within you. 你必须按照其条件接受生命,别要求它以某种方式运转。你必须愉快地接受生命,因为它自己的理由和原因在你之内。
- But I think our offer is reasonable and realistic. 不过我认为我们的报价是现实的、合理的。
- Heat acts on bodies and causes them to expand. 热对物体产生作用,使之膨胀。
- It is congenial with reason and common sense . 那是符合情理和常识的。
- The tumour constricts the nerves and causes pain. 肿瘤压迫神经,引起疼痛。
- Part two: plight of the benefit of IPE and causes. 第二部分:当前思想政治教育效益存在的问题和原因。
- Give the reason and tell what time he can come. 并告知原因及你到达的时间。
- You are the reason and the rhyme. 你就是我活着的全部理由。
- Reason and speech, which bring men together. 理性和言语把人们集合在一起。
- He saw reason and gave up smoking. 他听从了劝告而不抽烟了。
- Which should reason and affection believe more? 理智和情感更应该相信哪一个?
- His speech provoke the crowd and cause a riot. 他的演说激起了群众且引起一阵骚动。
- The reason and mechanism of EI Nino Phenomenon? 厄尔尼诺现象产生的原因和机理?
- But also bites and causes wind gusts when in danger. 但同样也会咬敌人以及在遭到危险的时候引来暴风吹走敌人。
- All the woes and causes of conflicts seemed cleared away. 一切麻烦事,一切引起冲突的根源,似乎都被扫除了。
- Read our guidelines for sponsoring groups and causes. 为赞助组和原因读我们的指南。