- To reason methodically and logically. 推理用理性方法和逻辑进行推理
- Triple I method is a new kind fuzzy reasoning method with respect to FMP and FMT reasoning models. 三I算法是针对模糊推理的FMP与FMT模型的一种新的推理方法。
- Methods The analogical reasoning method through former data was applied. 方法参考、类比现有装置,综合分析其职业病危害。
- Triple I method is a new fuzzy reasoning method with respect to FMP and FMT reasoning models. 摘要三I算法是针对模糊推理FMP与FMT模型的一种新的推理方法。
- For flight motion simulator system, a fuzzy-PID controller based optimal frizzy reasoning method was adopted. 摘要针对飞行仿真转台系统,设计了模糊PID控制器,并采用了最优模糊推理这种新的模糊推理方法。
- Dynamic Causality Diagram (DCD) is an uncertainty reasoning method proposed by professor Zhang Qin in 1994. 因果图具有正向和反向及混合推理能力,由专家建立因果图,可以对复杂系统进行故障诊断。
- Analogical legal reasoning is a reasoning method which treats the case at hand like other cases because they resemble each other in some aspects. 类比法律推理是指由于待决案件与另一类案件的某些属性相同或相似,而将法律对另一类案件的法律效果归于待决案件的推理方法,它和演绎推理一起被认为是形式的推理方法。
- The value valuated in accordance with a reasonable method. 按照合理方法估定的价格。
- The NST-WCAPP process solution mode based on synergetic reasoning method was put forward to make up demerit in single CBR or single RBR. 提出了基于混合模式的NST-WCAPP工艺求解方法,弥补了单一CBR和RBR推理的局限性;
- Based on the analyses, a new approximate reasoning method using distance measures is proposed which can be used to solve the problems in CRI and AARS. 在此基础上;提出了基于距离度量的近似推理方法;该方法较好地解决了CRI和AARS方法中的问题.
- High complex problem can be solved quickly with fuzzy reasoning method, though the condition is fuzzy, incompl.ete or even conflicting. 模糊推理可在模糊、不完整甚至矛盾的信息基础上,对高度复杂的问题快速地得到最满意的问题解答。
- The virtual prototype for artillery is established, which is adopted into fault forecast field as a new kind of quantitative reasoning method. 建立了火炮虚拟样机,将虚拟样机作为一种定量推理方法引人到故障预测领域;
- For the realization of information fast query, the reasoning method of 4D product information data based on hypergraph is advanced.4. 为实现信息的快速查询,提出了基于超图数据结构的产品4D信息数据的推理方法。
- Case-Based Reasoning (CBR), a branch of Knowledge-Based Expert System, is a rapidly growing reasoning method in the research of Artificial Intelligence(AI). 基于事例的推理(Case-Based Reasoning,CBR)作为基于知识的专家系统(Expert System)的一个分支,它是目前人工智能(Artificial Intelligence)研究中一种正在迅速发展的推理方法。
- Then, a new hybrid reasoning method on partnerships diagnosis based on RBR, CBR, and SVM was set up to support collaborative diagnosis for supply chain partnership. 在其基础上,综合规则推理、案例推理和支持向量机的优势,构建了一种新型的混合推理方法,以支撑供应链伙伴关系协同诊断。建立了供应链伙伴关系诊断混合推理的过程与结构。
- The result of numerical simulating of a subsystem in nuclear plant is coincident with the fact, and it shows the mixed reasoning method of single-value FCD is effective. 最后,以核电站的一个子系统为例进行讨论,实验结果与实际一致,推理方法可行。
- The result of numerical simulating of a subsystem in nuclear plant is coincident with the fact, and it shows the fuzzy reasoning method of SCD is effective. 最后,以核电站的一个子系统为例,分别讨论两种算法在不同模糊数下实现的推理,实验结果与实际一致,推理方法可行。
- KBE organically integrates artificial intelligence with CAX system and connects engineering design with CAX system without interruption. The meaning of KBE is knowledge acquisition, repository and reasoning method. 知识工程将人工智能与CAX系统有机地结合起来 ,形成了工程设计与CAX系统的无缝连接 ,其内涵是知识获取、知识库、推理机制。
- A reasonable method of designing IMC parameters is proposed to control non-minimum system. 摘要针对非最小相位系统的结构特点,提出内模控制器参数的合理算法。
- This paper has studied different thought patterns to the influence of reasoning methods in English-Chinese academic writings. 摘要探讨了中英语篇思维模式差异对英汉学术论文写作中论证方法的影响问题。