- reasonable route choice set 合理路径集
- route choice set generation algorithm 路径集生成算法
- It was suggested that a reasonable route be found from the substituted reaction of thiophene to promote the research of thiophene derivative in China. 建议从噻吩取代反应过程中找到一条适合工业化的工艺路线,以推动我国噻吩系列衍生物的研发工作。
- In this investigation, a method that can be used to analyze the traveler’s route choice behavior based on utility measuration is advanced. 摘要 提出了通过具体的效用度量对出行者路径选择行为进行分析的方法。
- WONG Min,WU Hehai,DU Qingyun.An optimal route choice based on public traffic network model[J].Geomaties and Information Science of Whan University,2004,29(6):500-503. [2]翁敏;毋河海;杜清运;等.;基于公交网络模型的最优出行路径选择的研究[J]
- Simulations on day-to-day route choice behavior with ATIS[R].Technical Report,School of Economics and Management,Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Beijing,2005. ATIS背景下日常路径选择行为的模拟研究[R].;北京航空航天大学经济管理学院研究报告;北京;2005
- The potential of stated preference data for model updating and the effect of choice set on model updating were also discussed. 在数据型态方面则探讨叙述偏好数据从事模式更新的潜力以及选择集合对模式更新的影响。
- It provides one path based on driver's route choice behavior between origin and destination arbitrarily without alternatives through Dijkstra's algorithm. 透过模糊类神经的演算,使系统能够根据驾驶者的经验去学习驾驶者的决策逻辑,让系统更加适性化。
- A route-based variational inequality model and a heuristic algorithm of the dynamic user optimal route choice problem were proposed by the link travel time function. 运用该阻抗函数建立基于路径的动态用户最优路径选择变分不等式模型,给出了该模型的启发式算法。
- In order to achieve autonomous navigation in the moon environment, the lunar rover must know where it is all the time, and can planning a reasonable route based on the current environment. 月球车要实现在月面环境下自主导航首先必须时时刻刻清楚自己的位置,之后能根据当前环境规划出一条合理的路径。
- Such writing identifies a problem or a question that demands investigation, and then articulates that problem as clearly as possible, pursuing every reasonable route to its resolution. 每篇论文要求揭示一个 问题 ,或者一个需要进行调查的疑问,然后尽可能明晰地阐述此一问题,追寻每一个合理的途径予以解决。
- Discussion is made on the necessity and meaning of the building of Tongsan Highway Harbin Belt Highway Northwest Semicircular Route, and the reasonable route programme is put forward. 根据我省公路网建设和规划情况,就目前穿越哈尔滨市各条公路的现状,对同三公路哈尔滨市绕城高速公路西北半环路修建的必要性、意义进行了分析,同时提出了合理的路线方案。
- Travelers’ route choice behaviors are frequently influenced by ATIS.The study proposed a concept of generalized cost based on the stochastic user equilibrium assignment and the traffic flow theory. 摘要 在考虑交通信息对出行者路径选择行为影响的基础上,运用随机用户平衡配流的基本思想和交通流理论,提出了广义成本的概念。
- Application cases show that this method can be promising in solving problems pertaining to pas-senger travel mode splitting in terms of consider-ing the influence of route choice for personal trips. 应用结果表明,该模型综合考虑了居民出行路线选择的影响,从而能够较好地解决我国城市客运方式划分问题。
- Abstract: With respects to indeterministic transportation networks, this paper analyzes the changes of route choice behavior from deterministic to stochastic transportation networks. 摘要: 考虑到现实条件下交通网络的不确定性状态,提出了从确定型网络到不确定型网络状态下,出行者路径选择行为的改变,即由出行时间最短的路径选择行为转变为在追求一定行程时间可靠性的基础上选择出行时间最短的路径选择行为。
- The results showed that two-stage choice models, whose choice sets were endogenously decided, had very good explanatory power. 研究结果发现以内生方式决定个体旅客选择集合的两阶段选择模式的解释能力相当良好。
- Route Choice on North Atlantic Ocean 北大西洋船舶航线选择
- It begins with a state-of-art review on transport bilevel programming problems taking into account behavior of network users’ routing choice. 这些问题大致上可以分为二大类:一类是涉及到确定性用户平衡原则;
- But I think our offer is reasonable and realistic. 不过我认为我们的报价是现实的、合理的。
- Theory of Financial Deepening and it's Route Choice 金融深化理论及中国金融深化的路径选择