- reasonable breadth of thoughts 理性张扬
- She is a woman of great breadth of mind. 她是一个胸怀非常广阔的女子。
- A myriad of thoughts passed through her mind. 无数想法划过她的心头。
- Her breadth of experience make her ideal for the job. 她经验丰富,最能胜任这项工作。
- She is admired for the great breadth of her learning. 她由於学识极其渊博而受到崇敬。
- Her breadth of experience makes her ideal for the job. 她经验丰富,最能胜任这项工作。
- A tolerant person usually has breadth of mind. 有宽容精神的人通常胸襟开阔。
- She was within a hair's breadth of death. 她险些儿丧命。
- The breadth of this river is about twenty metres. 这河的宽度大约是20米。
- His book showed the great breadth of his learning. 他写的书表现出他学识渊博。
- A myriad of thoughts welled up in his mind. 他思绪万千。
- A tolerant personal usually has breadth of mind. 一个能容忍的人通常有宽阔的心。
- The manager floundered among a jumble of thoughts. 这位经理在胡思乱想。
- The breadth of the problem is apparent. 问题的广度是明显的。
- My wife is a woman of great breadth of mind. 我妻子是一位宽宏大量的女性。
- All kinds of thoughts raced through my mind. 思绪万千,涌现在我的脑海。
- He was surprised at her breadth of reading. 他对于她的博览群书感到惊讶。
- A multitude of thoughts filled her mind. 她头脑里有许许多多想法。
- What 's the breadth of the swimming pool? 这游泳池有多宽?
- All kinds of thoughts tore through my mind. 各种想法在我脑海里一闪而过。