- The spy was expelled from the realm. 这名间谍被驱逐出境。
- A realm of imagination or fantasy. 仙境,幻境想象或幻想的王国
- The king sought to expand his realm. 国王谋求扩大领土。
- The king granted them passage through his realm. 国王准许他们通过他的领土。
- realm identifier 域标识符
- He made outstanding contributions in the realm of foreign affairs. 他在外交领域作出了卓越贡献。
- The gallery in which the reporters sit has become a fourth estate of the realm. 新闻记者坐的席位已经成了王国的第四等级。
- A ceremonial journey made by a sovereign through his or her realm. 巡行,巡游帝王在其王国里的有仪式的旅程
- Number taxonomy is an identifier taxonomy. 号分类学是一个标识符分类法。
- The king banished the traitor from the realm. 国王把背叛者驱逐出王国。
- The target internal file identifier is incorrect. 目标内部文件标识符不正确。
- An identifier within a set of data elements. 一组数据元素之内的一种标识符。
- Realm characters should no longer appear as robed. 如同被穿礼服之类的那样,王国特性应该不再出现。
- The land or realm of the fairies. 仙境想象中的地域或王国
- Gets or sets the dotted number of the identifier. 获取或设置标识符的圆点分隔的数字。
- Appending the identifier type character! 将标识符类型字符!
- Will I be able to choose my new realm? 我可以选我将来混的地方咩?
- Object as the NLS language identifier. 属性作为NLS语言标识符传递。
- Gets the unique product identifier of this product. 指定此产品的唯一产品标识符的字符串。
- The numeric identifier of this menu command. 此菜单命令的数字标识符。