- The Main Memory Database Technology Supporting Active Real Time Transaction 支持主动实时事务的内存数据库技术
- Swapping Strategy of External Storage Data and Internal Storage Data for Real Time Transaction 支持实时事务的内外存数据交换策略
- A New Algorithm for Serializable Concurrency Control of Real Time Transactions 一种新的实时事务并发控制方法
- All RTGS payments are settled in real time, transaction in transaction basis across the books of the HKMA. 在这套系统下,所有银行均在金管局设有结算户口,一切支付安排均按每项交易入帐方式即时结算,在金管局结算户口过帐。
- This will be very quick. It will be real time. 它将是非常快捷和实时的。
- Windows NT can be used in real time systems. 窗口新台币能在真正的时间系统中被用。
- Fabrication process control in real time. 同步的制造程序控制。
- This box will have the entire routine in real time. 这个屏幕将展示出这个流程的真正的时间。
- Non- parameters adaptive real time control. 非参数自适应实时控制。
- The images are created in real time. 这些图像是马上创作出来的。
- Methods\ A nested transaction model and concurrency control algorithm based on locking is introduced. 方法采用一种嵌套事务模型及基于锁的并发控制算法。
- It can acquire data from six channels at real time. 它能通过六个通道实时采集要求的相关配变台区运行数据;
- Real time telemetering the working state of UPS. 实时遥测UPS的工作状态。
- The latter, which considers both the function efficiency of the multi-thread and the protection of the multi-process, supports the nested transaction model in ARTs-EDB perfectly. 而核外的多进程多线程模型兼顾了多线程的运行效率和多进程地址空间的保护,并且较好的支持了ARTs-EDB的嵌套事务模型。
- The ballistics is faultless, true 3D Real Time. 弹道是完美无缺的,真三维实时的。
- Machine limits are validated in real time. 及时告知机床的有效范围.
- The efficiency of nested transaction model is affected by several factors, the assignment of transaction identifiers and fault recovery are two important factors. 在影响嵌套事务模型执行效率的诸多因素中,事务标识的分配和故障恢复是两个比较重要的因素。
- If they missionaries, Real time visionaries. 看看你自己的下场。
- VBR-NRT? Variable Bit Rate Non Real Time? 非实时可变比特速率?
- The blog records Jasper's walkabout real time. 博客记录着羽中路上的时时刻刻.