- Water Quality Real Time Monitoring during the entire treatment Process. 处理流程全程即时监控水质。
- This software realized real time monitoring through cycled check continuously. 本软件通过不断循环检测,实现对电源设备的实时监控。
- We have designed the system of piezoelectric gene sensor in liquid phase and conducted real time monitoring of the detection of SDA successfully. 成功构建压电基因传感器液相检测稳定平台并实现对SDA反应的实时检测;
- It is an important guaranty for the whole process management of hazardous wastes (HWs) to give a real time monitor to the transferring. 摘要对危险废物转移实时监控是实现其全过程管理的重要保证。
- It seems that the fully automatic,season-long and real time monitoring will be feasible with the development of the vertical-looking radar (VLR). 昆虫雷达技术也逐渐从研究走向实用,已经实现了对迁飞性害虫的长期、自动和实时监测。
- Nonextensive TDE could track both the burst and spontaneous change in brain activity, which could be used for real time monitoring in HI brain injury. 实验表明,缺氧缺血脑损伤恢复阶段脑电信号同时存在两种截然不同的行为:平稳的自发脑电和短时的棘波信号,二者呈现此消彼长的变化, 非广度熵可以从不同侧面反映缺氧缺血过程中不同脑电分量的变化,从而做到对脑损伤的监护。
- It is an important guaranty for the whole process management of hazardous wastes(HWs) to give a real time monitor to the transferring. 对危险废物转移实时监控是实现其全过程管理的重要保证。
- If the precision and the speed of the hardware improved on, it can be used as a harmless real time monitor of the brain edema and haematoma in the future. 如果硬件系统的测量精度和速度进一步的提高后,在将来它是可以作为一种无创的实时监测水肿和血肿的理想监护仪。
- The dynamic charactersistics of Runyang suspension bridge are studied according to the real time monitoring system, and the FRF is reconstructed by a few principal components. 具体针对润扬长江大桥,结合实时监测系统的测点布置,对南汉悬索桥进行了动力特性分析,根据降维后的较少主元对结构频响进行重构。
- Its fast speeding digitalization is completed to display the real drilling status visually which can real time monitor the drilling accidents and predict it urgently. 综合录井技术在钻井作业过程中实时采集地质参数、钻井液参数、工程参数等信息,进行快速数字化处理,直观地展现随钻过程中的钻井情况,并实时监测钻井事故。
- An on-line monitoring and controlling method, which is suitable for real time monitoring and controlling the dissolved oxygen (DO) in the bioreactor tank, is provided. 一种线上摄氧率即时监控方法,适于线上即时监测与控制一生物反应槽中的溶氧浓度。
- EgInnovations provide Enterprise Management Products with capabilities involving the ability to offer subscription based remote monitoring through a web browser console, real time monitoring and problem diagnosis and proactive alerts. 提供商业管理工具,能够基于远程监测通过网络浏览器控制台提供订阅、实时监测和故障诊断、专业有效的警报。
- In addition, a communication system based on CAN and RS232 buses for In-wheel motor driven EV is built to realize the real time monitoring and fault diagnosing of the runningstates of a vehicle. 此外,本文还构建了基于CAN总线和串行通讯总线的轮式驱动电动车通讯系统设计方案,以实现对车辆运行状态的监测、控制以及故障排除。
- Real Time Monitoring Instrument room 现场监测仪器室
- Real Time Monitoring for Turnout Closure Stick 道岔密贴状态实时监测
- Real Time Monitoring of Power Plant's Performance 电厂性能实时监测
- water-level real time monitoring 水位实时监测
- real time monitor and control system 实时监控系统
- real time monitoring and control 实时监控
- real time monitoring and warning 实时监控