- real estate mortgage bonds [经] 不动产抵押债券
- real estate mortgage Bond 不动产抵押债券
- How to handle the procedures of real estate mortgage hock? 如何办理房地产抵押典当有关手续?
- So actively propelling the securitization of the real estate mortgage can effectively decentraliz... 本文试分析了住房抵押贷款证券化这一金融创新工具在我国实行的必要性和可行性。
- Some shareholding and private hock acts pursuit rapid flow of funds to accommodate the enormous amount of real estate mortgage very interested. 一些股份制和民营典当行为了追求资金的快速流动,对单笔金额巨大的房地产抵押十分感兴趣。
- Real estate collateral is the real estate mortgage people with legitimate way to not transfer to a mortgagee to provide debt guarantees to fulfil the act. 房地产抵押是指抵押人以其合法的房地产以不转移占有的方式向抵押权人提供债务履行担保的行为。
- Pawn business of Enterprises real estate mortgage need to apply for registration to the relevant government departments. We can give the loans after obtain the loans certificates in principle. 企业房地产抵押典当需要到政府相关部门办理房地产抵押登记,原则上我公司在取得他项权利证书后发放贷款;
- Hangzhou Trade Bureau on the basis of the information provided in the current Hangzhou 11 pawning line for the director to provide real estate mortgage pawning operations alone nine times. 根据杭州市贸易局提供的信息,在目前杭州的11家典当行中,为房产商提供房地产抵押典当业务的就有9家之多。
- Priority on Real Estate Mortgage 论房地产抵押权的优先权
- A Number of Legal Issues on Real Estate Mortgage 房地产抵押若干法律问题探讨
- Problems of Real Estate Mortgage in Luoyang 洛阳房地产抵押存在的问题
- A Study of the Law About Real Estate Mortgage 不动产抵押法律问题研究
- The appraisal of real estate mortgage 房地产抵押价格评估
- Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit 房地产贷款投资渠道
- Real estate mortgage investment conduit, REMIC 和房地产抵押贷款投资管道
- credits rights of real estate mortgage 房地产抵押债权
- real estate mortgage securitization 房地产抵押贷款证券化
- real estate mortgage loan securitization 房地产抵押贷款证券化
- On Agency of Second-hand Real Estate Mortgage Market 二手房贷款中介市场问题解析
- Consideration about the Legal Concept of"Real Estate Mortgage" 对"房地产抵押"法律概念的思考