- The knight felt no fear in the midst of battle. 那武士在战斗中毫不感到惧怕。
- It would merely have been an incident of battle. 这只是战争中的一件平凡的事。
- He was a deserter. He ran from the field of battle. 他是一个逃兵,有一次他从战场上跑掉。
- So we dance a dance of battle again. 我再度跳起死亡之舞。
- So we meet upon the field of battle! 我们相遇于战场之上!
- The enemy's line of battle reeled. 敌人的战线溃退了。
- The joy of battle is not the least of their joys! 战争不是他们唯一的快乐之源!
- Once he ran from the field of battle . 有一次,他从战场上逃走了。
- Once he ran from the field of battle. 有一次,他从战场上逃走了。
- The field of battle awaits us again! 战场再次召唤我们前往!
- The enemy 's line of battle reeled. 敌人的战线溃退了。
- On the field of battle there are no certainties. 在战场上没有必然性可言。
- All real Americans love the sting of battle. 每一个真正的美国人都能够享受战争的苦痛。
- Bridges were often points of battle . 桥梁往往是兵家争夺之地。
- The sound of battle drums never means peace. 鼙鼓的声音从来都不代表和平。
- We had an example of his readiness of resource. 咱们已经领略了他敏捷的才智了。
- The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the Lord. 马是为打仗之日预备的;得胜乃在乎耶和华。
- That can alter the course of battle. 这些情报有可能改变战斗进程.
- ready of battle 做好准备的船只
- The defeated army has to retreat hastily from the field of battle. 败军不得不从战场仓惶撤退。