- She has a ready answer to everything you say. 无论什么问题,她都能不假思索,对答如流。
- He gave a ready answer to my question. 他对答如流。
- I have no ready answer to the question. 我没有现成的答案。
- Their ready answer suggested that they had long bided that. 他们很爽快的回答表明他们已经等待这个(要求)很久了。
- Jackie Chan has a ready answer when asked about his toughest stunt in Shanghai Noon, a comic western he is currently filming in Alberta. 成龙正在艾伯塔拍一部西部喜剧片《上海正午》,人们问他最难的特技是什么,他笑道,"总是讲英语,"答案似已成竹在胸。
- Eager partisans could supply you with a stock of ready answers. 热心的党人是能够向你提出一套现成的答案的。
- Jackie Chan has a ready answer when asked about his toughest stunt in Shanghai Noon,a comic western he is currently filming in Alberta. 成龙正在艾伯塔拍一部西部喜剧片《上海正午》,人们问他最难的特技是什么,他笑道,“总是讲英语,”答案似已成竹在胸。这位超级武打明星出生于香港,只讲普通话和粤语。
- It is really suspicious that any time a killing of this nature happens, the police have a ready answer," Ababu Namwamba, a lawyer and ODM lawmaker. 他说:“他们怎么获得讯息来支持他们所说的案情?非常可疑的是,每次发生这类案子时,警方都有事先准备好的说词。
- When friends at church ask him why he signed up for such a study, and why on earth he agreed to start quilting, he has a ready answer. 当朋友们在教堂问他为什么参加了这样一项研究,以及究竟为什么他同意开始缝纫,他有一个准备好的答案。
- We do not want to suggest that our discussion gives ready answer to eschatological debate between a-millennialism, pre-millennialism, and post-millennialism. 我们这里没有意思说:在无千禧年派,前千禧年派,和后千禧年派中间的争辩作出一个终结。
- Jackie Chan has a ready answer when asked about his toughest stunt in Shanghai Noon, a comic western he is currently filming in Alberta. "Always English," laughs the Hong Kong-born martial arts superstar, who speaks both Mandarin and Cantonese. 成龙正在艾伯塔拍一部西部喜剧片《上海正午》,人们问他最难的特技是什么,他笑道,"总是讲英语,"答案似已成竹在胸。 这位超级武打明星出生于香港,只讲普通话和粤语。
- Eager partisans could supply you with a stock of ready answers, but these remained highly unsatisfactory. 热心的党人是能够向你提供一套现成的答案的,可是这些答案始终很难令人满意。
- He had an unruly mind, which constantly pestered him with questions for which there were no ready answers. 他的思维难以琢磨,经常为一些谁也回答不了的问题而困扰。
- There is less certainty about the consortium bid, even if the RBS spin-doctors have ready answers for each open question. 即使苏格兰皇家银行的智囊团可以解答所有的置疑,此次财团收购仍有一些不确定性。
- He gave a ready answer to my question 他对答如流。
- He has a large amount of mail to answer every day. 他每天有大量的信件要回复。
- The equipment is lashed up and ready to go. 设备已捆扎好,准备启运。
- His answer is just a rehash version of my lecture. 他的回答只不过是把我的讲义重复了一遍。
- The answer of some problems is unskillful. 一些问题的回答是不熟练的。
- The shack seemed almost ready to collapse. 那小屋子好像是快要倒塌了。