- The seaside fish market is a ready food supply for scavenging seabirds. 海边鱼市是觅食海鸟现成的食物供应地。
- Food, food chains, food-webs and trophic levels consist of a system, termed the“ food system”. 食物、物链、物网以及由此构成的营养级组成“食物系统”。
- Meanwhile, China is struggling to oerhaul its food system and improe safety standards, but still faces major hurdles. 同时,中国正在努力审查其食物系统并改进安全标准,但面临的障碍仍然很巨大。
- Meanwhile, China is struggling to overhaul its food system and improve safety standards, but still faces major hurdles. 同时,中国正在努力审查其食物系统并改进安全标准,但面临的障碍仍然很巨大。
- "The Omnivore's Dilemma" also points out the ways in which America's food system should be reformed. 当人们吃牛肉时,也就吃下了这些化学药物。
- Is a valuable economic anchovy fish, meat taste for fresh or canned food system. 凤尾鱼是名贵经济鱼类,肉质鲜美,供鲜食或制罐头食品。
- Starch sodium dodecenyl succinate (SSDS) can be added into food system to improve the stability, taste and texture of the product. 摘要十二烯基琥珀酸淀粉酯添加在食品体系中,可以改善产品的稳定性、口感和质构。
- Starch sodium dodecenyl succinate(SSDS) can be added into food system to improve the stability,taste and texture of the product. 十二烯基琥珀酸淀粉酯添加在食品体系中,可以改善产品的稳定性、口感和质构。
- Not only does it support local industry, it also supports alternatives to a centralized food system that allows food-borne diseases to spread far and fast. 这不仅是支持当地工业,也是扩大集中食物系统的选择余地,防止通过食物传播的疾病展开更远更快的行程。
- Farmland Foods makes exceptional homegrown products developed through a complete farm-to-table food system. 农田食品是通过“从农田到餐桌”体制生产出的独特的本地产品。
- Actually, potatoes have become a main part to global food system, they are the third major cereal crop only after wheat and rice (Corns are planted widely but majorly used as animal feed). 实际上,土豆已经是全球粮食系统的一个主要组成部分,它是仅次于小麦和大米的世界第三重要的粮食作物(玉米虽然种植甚广,但主要用作动物饲料)。
- The equipment is lashed up and ready to go. 设备已捆扎好,准备启运。
- Advantages, opportunities and challenges of high hydrostatic pressure application to food systems. 高静水压应用于食品体系的优势、机遇、及挑战。
- The shack seemed almost ready to collapse. 那小屋子好像是快要倒塌了。
- Now they are ready for the steeple chase. 现在他们已准备好进行障碍赛跑。
- Enhanced appreciation among school children of agricultural, nutritional, environmental and social issues and food systems in general. 提高在校儿童对农业、营养、环境和社会问题以及粮食系统的一般认识。
- I am ready to plump for the plan provided it works. 要是这个计划行得通,我准备大力支持它。
- A tiger was getting ready to jump on him. 有一只老虎即将向他扑去。
- Are you men ready? We go into action at midnight. 战士们,你们准备好了吗?我们半夜按计开始行动。
- This web site provides information about NSAS introduction, events, projects, food systems, newsletter, conference, etc. 本网站提供了协会介绍、事件、工程项目、食品体系、时事通讯和会议等相关信息。