- reader rs set 内校样
- He subscribed to Reader rs Digest. 他订阅《读者文摘》。
- We have to be careful not to offend our readers rs sensibilities. 我们必须小心,不要伤害读者的感情。
- psychology of reader rs response 读者感觉心理
- It is now our aim to set up a factory. 我们现在的目的是创办一座工厂。
- She had the sapphire set in a gold ring. 她把那枚蓝宝石镶在金戒指上了。
- The judgment set a new precedent. 那次判决树立了一个新的判例。
- I am a regular reader of this newspaper. 我是这份报纸的长期读者。
- A rival company has set afloat a new credit scheme. 一家竞争的公司已开始实施一项新的信用购物方案。
- Reader's Digest is a periodical. 《读者文摘》是一种期刊。
- She bought a set of furniture on easy terms. 她以分期付款的方式买了一套家具。
- The printer can set this additional page in here. 这位印刷工把这额外的一页加在这里。
- A committee was set up to look into the workers' grievances. 成立了一个委员会来调查工人的不满。
- A very nice set of glasses came under the hammer yesterday. 昨天拍卖了一套很精致的玻璃杯。
- He is a great reader and quoter of Dickens. 他是一个非常爱读并爱引用狄更斯作品的人。
- Who was the reader of this article? 谁是这篇文章的校对人?
- I set a high value on his advice. 我认为他的忠告很有价值。
- He writes with the reader in mind. 他写作时把读者放在心上。
- His words hurt the reader's sensibility. 他的言语伤害了读者的感情。
- A price of $1000 was set on the jewel thief's head. 悬赏1000美元抓住这个珠宝窃贼。