- The handwriting is strange to me. 这笔迹对我来说十分陌生。
- She astonished me with her beautiful handwriting. 她以其秀丽的书法而使我惊异。
- He prides himself on his handwriting. 他以他的书法为自豪。
- There is need for improvement in your handwriting. 你的书法需要改进。
- Please excuse my bad handwriting. 请原谅我的字写得不好。
- readable handwriting 容易看得懂的笔迹
- His handwriting slants to the left. 他写的字斜向左方。
- My handwriting cannot compete with his. 我的书法不及他。
- I can't decipher his sloppy handwriting. 我无法辨认他那潦草的字迹。
- Most handwriting slants to the right. 大多数手写体都向右斜。
- His poor handwriting can not be read by himself. 他糟糕的笔迹无法被他本人所辨认。
- Treasure Island is very readable. 《金银岛》是一本可读性很强的书。
- Send a letter of application in your own handwriting. 寄一封手写的申请信或求职信。
- My handwriting is good, but it is poor as compared to my father's. 我的书法很好,但与我父亲的相比,我的就很差了。
- His handwriting is not bad, but it's hardly comparable with yours. 他的书法不错,但是很难和你的相比。
- There's been a noticeable improvement in her handwriting. 她的书法有了明显的进步。
- Will my bad handwriting tell against me in the test? 我的字写得很糟会影响我的考试成绩吗?
- Your beautiful handwriting puts my untidy scrawl to shame. 你漂亮的字体把我的潦草字迹比得见不得人。
- Someone with handwriting identical to yours leave them on your desk? 笔迹和你的一模一样的人把它们留在你的课桌上?
- The handwriting on both cheques is identical. 两张支票上的笔迹完全相同。