- Read carefully; don't skim through [ over] a book. 读书要细细读,不要走马观花。
- Please read carefully to find your correct repair center address. 请小心阅读以得到正确的维修中心地址.
- This is a legal contract. Please read carefully before signing. 这是一份法律合同;请在签字前仔细阅读.
- The only part you need to read carefully is the body of your contract. 你只需仔细阅读合同的正文部分。
- Read carefully the instructions before starting the burner and service it . 在开始(安装)和服务(检修)燃烧器前,仔细阅读这本说服书。
- Please read carefully all the sections in the book that deal with adverbs. 请仔细阅读书中讨论副词的所有部分。
- Please read carefully the instruction on the back of the form before registration. 报名前请细阅表格背面之报名须知。
- You should read carefully the Terms and Conditions for Use of Password that is enclosed with the Access Code Notice. 请详细阅读随附的通行密码使用规则及条款。
- When you sign the contract, read carefully all the terms, including those stipulated in the staff handbooks. 在签合约时细阅所有条款,包括员工手册。带走合约。
- I first skim an English passage (read over the passage quickly), then go back and read carefully. 先快速浏览一段英文;然后再重新细读它.
- Yes, even the autobiographies!The important thing to always remember is that you choose what you read carefully. 但这并不代表您总是得拿我和别的孩子比较,而且比较的,都是万中挑一的,极聪明之人。
- I learned to read carefully,and not to be satisfied with a superficial undersanding of a book. 要认真阅读,不满足于表面的一知半解。
- Please read carefully the legal mentions and sign your application from and the "convention". 仔细阅读法律提示,并在所有材料及协议上签字。
- I have read carefully and agree to abide by the above License Agreement upon purchasing and registering MYOB Premier. 本人已详阅及理解上述之授权证协议,并同意于购买及注册MYOB Premier 后履行上述协议。
- Please read carefully the explanatory noted on the reserve side of the Letter of Transmittal. 请您仔细阅读在交付单号预备栏上的注释说明。
- For this assignment, you should read carefully one of the below listed empirical articles, briefly summarize the article, and provide a critique. 要完成这份作业,你应该仔细阅读以下所列其中一篇实证论文,简短地作出摘要,并写出你的评论。
- She drives carefully up the rocky lane. 她驾车小心地从这条很多石头的小路上驶过去。
- I have read carefully and agree to abide by the above terms and conditions upon purchasing and registering MYOB RetailBasics. 本人已详阅及理解上述之条款及细则,并同意于购买及注册MYOB RetailBasics 后履行上述条款及细则。
- He was pleased to learn that Shaler had read carefully the article on turtles, plus other books to which the article had referred. 他很高兴地得知,谢勒已经仔细地阅读过那篇有关海龟的文章,以及这篇文章参考过的一些书籍。