- I reach into my pocket to get some stuff. 我伸手去口袋里拿东西。
- He couldn't reach into the narrow pipe. 哪根管子太细他伸不进手去。
- I saw my younger brother reaching into the cake tin. 我看见弟弟正将手伸进饼干罐里。
- Brody reach into the refrigerator and pull out a beer. 布罗迪把手伸进冰箱,拿出一罐啤酒。
- Just reach into your pocket and take out a piece of sugar. 只要你从口袋里拿出一块糖果。
- One who will reach into the future, yet never forget the past. 永不忘记过去的教训,又能伸展入未来的理想。
- The cost of the building reaches into six figures. 这幢大楼造价达数十万元。
- She was reaching into my inner life. 她触到了我的内心世界。
- Celia reached into her scientific memory. 西莉亚搜索着她头脑中的科学知识。
- Reached into my pocket and found a few coin. 翻遍我的口袋只发现一些硬币。
- He reached into his pocket for his wallet. 他把手伸入囗袋中去拿钱包。
- Losses reached into millions of US dollars. 损失达几百万美元。
- The tax bill reaches into thousands of dollars. 应付的税款高达数千美元。
- DuDu: LeLe, a giraffe might make a good pet because it could reach into trees and pick apples for me. 都都:乐乐,长颈鹿也许是很好的宠物,因为它可以够得到树,并且可以摘苹果给我。
- He reached into his hip pocket and took out Nancy's tail. 他伸手到裤子后面的口袋里掏出南希的辫子。
- Into this she sank,pressed down by a physical exhaustion that haunted her body and seemed to reach into her soul. 她感到筋疲力尽、体力不支,疲惫似乎正侵入她的内心深处,她一屁股坐在扶手椅上。
- Brody reaches into the refrigerator and pulls out a beer. 布罗迪把手伸进冰箱,拿出一罐啤酒。
- There's an answer If you reach into your soul and the sorrow that you know will melt away! 当你试着步入灵魂深处,所有的不快烟消云散而这,就是你要的答案!
- Then he reached into his pocket and took out my wallet. 他从口袋里掏出了我的钱包。
- Brody reached into the refrigerator and pulled out a beer. 布罗迪把手伸进冰箱,拿出一罐啤酒。