- Reach through the bottom opening of the bag into the dry atmosphere. 把袋子下面开口的部分放入较于燥的空气中。
- By using e-mail, you can target an audience segment that may be difficult to reach through other methods. 使用电子邮件可以将信息传达给通过其他方法可能难以接触的目标人群。
- They reach through considering to return the yock compares the conclusion with more healthy ran. 埃克斯特父女在书中强调,那些需要消耗高能量的活动,如在健身馆踩脚踏车等,会加快衰老过程。
- Driving on a frozen river in fog with the sun trying to reach through can be a mystical experience! 驾车在雾中穿越一条冻结的河流,阳光无力地从雾中穿过,给人一种相当之神奇的体验。
- Nathan reached through the broken window and shook her shoulder. 内森从破玻璃窗将手伸进去摇她的肩膀?
- From this, run aggrandizement product catenary to reach through capital enlarge the market, become homebred software industry to seek the important step that continues to develop. 由此,通过资本运作强化产品链及扩大市场,就成为国产软件业寻求继续发展的重要手段。
- Lift the arms from the lower back ribs, reaching through your little fingers. 举起双手让背部向上伸展知道小指。
- Reach through the instrument panel glove box opening to guide the heater-A/C control half of the vacuum harness around any obstacles while pulling the heater-A/C control out from the front of the instrument panel. 将加热器-空调拉出仪表板前端时,通过仪表板手套箱口导向加热器-空调控制的一半真空线束绕过任何障碍。
- In other areas, complex contracts of adhesion create de facto intellectual property rights over databases, complete with" reach through agreements" and multiple limitations on use. 在其他领域,复杂的附和契约附带那些衍生协议和使用上的多重限制,形成了对数据库事实上的知识产权。
- FTF) Yo-Yo Ma has had an impact on the lives of millions through his music, but he has given his musical passion an even broader reach through his global cultural venture, the Silk Road Project. 音乐大师马友友通过他的音乐影响了全球无数的人士,在他的音乐中我们可以体验到无尽的激情和力量,同时他用音乐将全世界文化融合在一起,体现了和平与友谊...
- In other areas, complex contracts of adhesion create de facto intellectual property rights over databases, complete with "reach through agreements" and multiple limitations on use. 在其他领域,复杂的附和契约附带那些衍生协议和使用上的多重限制,形成了对数据库事实上的知识产权。
- They cleaved a path through the wilderness. 他们在荒原中开辟出一条路。
- I was paging through a magazine when he came in. 他进来时我在翻阅一本杂志。
- The archers sent their shafts through the air. 弓箭手向空中射出利箭。
- If no agreement can be reached through such negotiation,the disputes shall be handled by the people's governments. 协商不成的,由人民政府处理。
- The people's court shall prepare a bill of mediation for an agreement reached through mediation. 调解达成协议,人民法院应当制作调解书。
- I want a cottage within reach of London. 我想要一幢靠近伦敦的小屋。
- Disputes may be submitted for arbitration in case no settlement can be reached through negotiation between both parties. 若争议无法通过双方谈判解决,可提交仲裁。
- A man of great ability like him will eventually reach the top. 像他这样才能出众的人终究会升到最上层的。
- Describes how to generate unit tests by using a dialog box that is reached through Visual Studio tools windows. 介绍如何使用通过Visual Studio工具窗口打开的一个对话框来生成单元测试。