- He has lived one section of miserable life. 他过了一段悲惨的生活。
- Signals control each section of the railway track. 各种信号控制着铁路轨道的每个部分。
- A hinged or removable section for a table top. 活动桌面桌子上部有铰链连接或可移动的部分
- rc section 阻容节
- First the surgeon performed the section of the blood vessel. 外科医生首先切开血管。
- He lived in a quiet section of uptown. 他住在住宅区的一个安静的地段。
- He occupied the other section of Martin's house. 他占用了马丁房子的另一部分。
- The architect drew the house in section. 建筑师画出房子的剖面图。
- The last section sums up all the arguments on either side. 最后一部分总结了双方的全部论点。
- App. Rc - The resource script file of a program.app. rc;该文件是程序的资源脚本文件。
- Resource. H - A generated include file for app. Rc.resource. h;该文件是为app
- A desk with a top section for books. 有抽屉或分类格的写字台
- A single roll or a rolled section. 一卷东西或被卷起来的一段
- Q: When did you start flying RC helicopter? 问:你什么时候开始飞遥控直生机的?
- RC:[Wow, that was actually quite liberating. [哇,这可真是解放了。
- RC flying is a good learning process for Bandon. 遥控飞行对小童铭也是一个很好的学习过程。
- RC:It's called a phylactery, and no, you can't. 那叫命匣,而且不,你不能。
- The section gang was called out to fix the broken bridge. 养路工们被召集去抢修损坏的桥。
- RC:And after that, THEN am I an honorary hobgoblin? 那之后呢,我/就/是一个名誉大地精了么?
- Yang YC, Zhang WY, Lin RC and Yang XS, 2008. 杨彦承、张炜银、林瑞昌、杨秀森,2008。