- Razor sharp smash 锋利扣杀
- Smooth opener, razor sharp S30V blade steel for the hardest tasks. 平滑的开罐器,对于最难的工作锐利的 S30V 刀锋钢的剃刀。
- They squirm through the mud with the razor sharp wire just inches above them. 他们不得不在泥浆中蠕动前行,而头上数英尺高的地方就是带有刀片的铁丝网。
- Our failure to score more goals in Europe is mystifying because Wayne Rooney and Ruud van Nistelrooy have been looking razor sharp and combining well. 不能在欧洲杯取得很多进球实在有点奇怪,因为鲁尼和范尼状态很好并且配合得也很好。
- And the only thing they can see down there is the light from this big,horrible creature with razor sharp teeth. 在那里他们唯一能看到的是来自这个带着利刃般锋利的牙齿的巨大恐怖生物的光.
- Vast bat-like wings sprout from his back, and his long snaky tail is tipped with a razor sharp poisonous tip. 但他有着和人类一样的手臂,巨大的蝙蝠般的翅膀从他的背上伸展出来,他长长的蛇一般的尾巴尖端有着剃刀形的毒刺。
- Cape buffalos weigh 1.5 tons and, when faced by danger, attack head on with razor sharp horns. 非洲水牛重1.;5吨。当它们遇到危险时,就会用头上像剃刀一样无比锋利的角来顶。
- Each tentacle is covered with suckers filled with razor sharp teeth which they use to drag their prey to their beaks. 洪堡鱿鱼的每只触角上都长着布满了尖牙的吸管,可以将猎物轻松地拉近自己的嘴里。
- Not only do they have a sharpened peg of a tooth but their teeth narrow down to a razor sharp edge at the back making the tigers bite much more lethal. 它们不仅仅有锋利的三角状牙齿,而且背面向下逐渐收缩成剃刀一样锋利,这使得老虎的咬更加致命。
- Giant fangs? Check. Lightning quick? That too. Razor sharp claws? You betcha. Hungry? You better hope not. These big cats are near perfect hunters. 巨大的獠牙?是的。闪电般的速度?也没错。锋利的爪子?完全正确。肚子饿?你最好希望不是这样的。这只大猫可谓完美猎人哦!
- This will be Andy's first tournament with his new coach, Dean Goldfine, and both player and coach expect to do well in Kooyong and enter the Australian Open razor sharp. 这是安迪和新教练的第一场比赛,他们都希望能在库扬精英赛上获得好成绩。
- The IOR is razor sharp within 60% of the field, then, toward the edge, degradeing, first slowly and then, close to the edge, more rapidly, were the image quality becomes poor. IOR在60%25内是如剃刀削般轮廓分明,再移向边缘就降低等级了,开始是慢慢的,靠近边缘时急剧下降,图像质量变很差。
- The surface had sharp indentations and serrations, as if someone had delicately chiseled a piece of solid glass to be both blunt and razor sharp at the same time. 它的表层有着锋利的刻痕和锯齿,似乎有人细心的雕刻一块玻璃让它同时具有钝和锋利两种特点。
- TV/Maggie: And the land lord said regardless of the building code, he will be using these razor sharp coils until, and I quote "these screwy pigeons go home where they belong. 电视/麦琪:房主说,他不会理会这项规定,他将会继续使用这种铁丝网,直到,用他的话来说,这些可恶的鸽子,得回到他们的家里去。
- Armed with a double edged and razor sharp Toledo made sword and a buckler, these swordsmen are capable of breaking pike formations and wreaking havoc amongst less well armed and trained units, making them amongst the foremost infantrymen of their day. 用托莱多制造双刃利剑和圆盾武装,这些剑士可以破坏长枪阵型以及在缺乏良好武器装备和训练的部队里面肆虐,在他们的时代里他们是最重要的步兵之一。
- Its teeth are razor sharp. 它的牙锋利无比。
- Renowned for their swordsmanship, these infantrymen are protected by good light armour and an open helmet.Armed with a metal buckler shield and a double-edged, razor sharp Toledo made sword. 素质:高级类型:后期专业部队圆盾剑士向以剑术高超闻名于世,他们轻甲简盔,装备金属圆盾和雪亮托莱多双刃长剑。
- A sharp razor gives a close shave. 剃刀锋利刮得就乾净。
- They rammed the door to smash it down. 他们使劲把门撞破。
- He felt his health going to smash. 他觉得自己的身体正在垮下去。