untanned hide especially of cattle; cut in strips it is used for whips and ropes
A long, tapering, braided rawhide or leather whip with a snapper on the end. 长皮鞭一种长形、细头编制而成的生牛皮或革制鞭,鞭尾有一摁扣
A whip or rope made of rawhide. 生牛皮鞭由生牛皮制成的鞭或绳
A time Hera, Poseidon, Apollo, and all the other Olympians, except Hestia, surrounded him suddenly as he lay asleep on his couch and bound him with rawhide thongs, knotted into a hundred knots, so that he could not move. 有一次,赫拉、波塞冬、阿波罗和除了赫斯提外所有的奥林波斯神祗乘宙斯躺在床上熟睡之际一拥而上,用生牛皮绳把他捆绑起来并打上一百个绳结,使他动弹不得。
A rope or rawhide halter with a wide band that can be lowered over a horse's eyes, used in breaking horses to a bridle. 辔头一种绳索或生皮笼头,带有一条宽带,可以用来遮住马的眼睛,用于勒停马匹