- On request, complete production lines can be offered in cooperation with other machine suppliers for raw material handling and winders, etc. 此外,也可结合一些其他供应厂商的机器设备,例如供料系统和收卷机等,提供完整的生产线。
- The cooker discharge, percolator, press, grinders and other equipment in the finished product area shall be entirely separate from the charging and other raw material handling areas. 成品区的蒸煮锅卸料、渗滤器、压榨、磨具和其它设备,应与卸料区和其它原料装卸区完全分开。
- Within the inedible section of the establishment, the raw material handling area shall be separate from the section where the sterilized inedible material is handled. 在屠宰场的不适于食用产品区,原料处理区应当与处理已灭菌的不适于食用原料的区段分开。
- BRIEF INTRODUCTION: As a world leader in plastics raw materials handling MOTAN meets the customer's expectations in high quality products and excellent technical support. 公司简介:MOTAN,全球塑料加工辅助设备的领导供应商,提供最优良的设备和高素质的技术服务,能够满足业界对光盘品质的最高要求。
- Abstract: Shu Gan distillery grain liquid raw materials handling technology, made with solid-liquid separation-filter-UASB-SBR Bath alcohol treatment process. 摘要:论述了薯干原料酒厂酒精糟液的处理技术,提出带式压滤机固液分离-UASB-SBR的酒精槽液处理工艺。
- The problem is how we are to get the raw material. 问题是我们怎样得到原材料。
- Process Design and Application of Raw Material Handling System of Concrete Agitating Station 砼搅拌楼原料贮运系统的工艺设计及应用
- Implementation of High Reliability Control System on BaoSteel Raw Material Handling Plant 宝钢原料场高可靠性控制系统的应用
- She makes use of people she meets as raw material for her fiction. 她把她所遇见的人们作为她创作小说的素材。
- Coal, oil and mineral are the raw material of industry. 煤、石油和矿产品都是工业原料。
- The country has to import most of its raw material. 这个国家原料大部分靠进口。
- Energy and raw material costs are skyrocketing. 能量和原材料价格飞涨。
- Raw material is what we are badly in need of. 我们还需的是原料。
- The steel works has been supplying us with raw material in large quantities. 在过去的两年中,那家钢铁厂一直提供给我们原材料。
- This enterprise has an efficient material handling ability. 材料运转管理。
- All the raw materials are imported. 所有原料都是进口的。
- Raw material is what we are in need of . 原材料是我们所需要的。
- Valuable raw materials were salvaged (from the sunken freighter). (从沉船中)打捞起许多贵重的原料。
- The country has to import most of its raw materials. 这个国家原料大部分靠进口。
- Streamline material flow and material handling procedures and systems. 理顺物流和原材料处理方法和制度。