- Take a leap of faith and trust them. 来个一百八十度的转弯,采取信任他们的态度。
- He predicated rationality of man. 他断言人是有理性的。
- I've got a lot of faith in the team; I'm sure they won't fail us. 我对这个队很有信心,我相信他们不会使我们失望的。
- Have you used your ration of petrol for this week? 你用了这星期给你定量的汽油了吗?
- We predicate rationality of man. 我们断言理性是人类的属性。
- The priest is considered a guardian of faith. 牧师被认为是信仰的护卫者。
- I've given everyone a measure of faith. 上帝说:我给了每个人相同的信心。
- Peirce: It's your lack of faith. 是因为你缺乏信心。
- Chinese people have a lot of faith in feng shui. 中国人很相信风水。
- The soldiers were given their rations of food. 士兵们分得了他们的给养口粮。
- What did she do that was so demonstrative of faith? 她做了甚么事显示出她的信心?
- That dimonstrates his lack of faith in others. 那表明他缺乏对别人的信任。
- For instance, would it be a breach of faith? 譬如,这样是不是算不忠实呢?
- It does mean you had a lot of faith. 它意味着你充满信心。
- The rationality of test results are discussedtheoretically. 在理论上讨论了试验结果的合理性。
- Unworthy of faith or trust;unreliable. 靠不住的不值得信赖或信任的;不可靠的
- Unworthy of faith or trust; unreliable. 靠不住的不值得信赖或信任的;不可靠的
- The root and the guarantee of faith. 信仰的根基、信仰的保证。
- The small ration of rice can hardly satisfy his hunger. 配给他的一点点米并不能使他免除饥饿。
- Investing in Wall Street remains an act of faith. 华尔街的投资活动,仍然是一项信仰行为。