- Egocetrism constructs a spiritual shield to protect the childhood against excessive invade of postnatal rational culture and its latent energy of development. 自我中心主义是保障儿童发展潜能免受理性文化过分透支的一道精神屏障。
- Computer is only the product of developed Western rational culture highly, and is the outcome of thought way of formalization. 而计算机只不过是西方理性文化高度发展的结果,是形式化思维方式的产物。
- The self-transcendentness of Metaphysics, one it illustrates the transcendent-tradition of rationality culture, another, it appears the inward self-limitation Bewusstheit of metaphysics. 形而上学的自我超越性,一方面说明了西方理性文化传统的超越性,另一方面说明了形而上学内在着“自律”意识。
- Then analyzes the actuality of difficulty from three angles: the embodiment of the advanced level, the popular level in contemporary China and the disadvantage of western rational culture. 然后,从当代中国精英层面、大众层面及西方理性文化弊端在中国的体现三个角度分析了困境现状。
- We'll have to ration out the water. 我们得将水按定额配给。
- Naturalization of a new culture is always faster among the young. 对新文化的采纳在年轻人中总是快一些。
- They had to ration petrol during the war. 战时他们不得不限量供给汽油。
- He was one of the apostles of the new culture. 他曾是新文化的倡导者之一。
- Have you used your ration of petrol for this week? 你用了这星期给你定量的汽油了吗?
- Greece, the cradle of Western culture. 希腊,西方文化的发源地。
- Greek culture penetrated Persia through the medium of the Syrians. 通过叙利亚人作媒介,希腊文化渗透到波斯。
- The government had to ration petrol during the war. 政府不得不在战争期间定量供应汽油。
- When food is ration people have to queue for bread. 当食物定量配给时,人们只好排队买面包。
- Primitive in culture and customs; uncivilized. 野蛮的,未开化的文化和习惯原始的; 不文明的
- The culture areas are essentially coincident with language areas. 文化区与语言区基本重合。
- An endangered species; an endangered culture. 濒临绝种的生物种类; 濒临绝传的文化
- Many governments have tried to ration imports. 很多政府试图对进口实行配给制。
- More than half of modern culture depend on what one shall not read. 现代文化的一半以上,有赖于不应读的东西。
- Mortgage is ration for first- time buyer. 抵押只限给初次购买者。
- The allotment of ration coupons. 定额配给券的分配