- They have brought the death rate down to1 per cent. 他们使死亡率下降到了百分之一。
- They have brought the death rate down to 1 per cent. 他们使死亡率下降到了百分之一。
- With the natural population growth rate down to 6.45, China has entered a new period of low and stable birthrate. 人口自然增长率降到6.;45‰,进入了稳定低生育水平的时期。
- The People’***ank of China may have to buy $500bn of foreign currency with renminbi this year to keep the exchange rate down. 为了压制人民币汇率,中国央行今年或许需要买进5000亿美元外汇。
- Because of Wall Street rebound in New York on the 31st buying hedge reduction, the U.S. dollar against most major currencies, exchange rate down. 由于华尔街股市反弹,31日纽约汇市避险买盘减少,美元对多数主要货币比价下跌。
- After the dotcom bust, he says, "we actually delayed moving the Fed funds rate down until it was very clear that the Nasdaq was significantly deflated. 他表示,在互联网泡沫破裂之后,“我们实际上推迟了下调联邦基金利率的决定,直到纳斯达克大幅缩水确凿无疑之后才采取行动。”
- The benchmark lending interest rate reduction from the small, one-year lending rate down 0.27 percentage point adjustment ratio of 3.61 percent. 此次贷款基准利率下调幅度不大,其中一年期贷款利率下调0.;27个百分点,调整幅度比例为3
- As the shapes became more interesting, he\'d turn the mutation rate down so that each generation sliced thinner, and he\'d slowly creep up to a concealed shape. 当形状变得更加有趣时,他会把变异速率调低,这样每一代都被分割得更薄,他就可以慢慢地不知不觉地发展出一个隐藏的形状。
- As the shapes became more interesting, he'd turn the mutation rate down so that each generation sliced thinner, and he'd slowly creep up to a concealed shape. 当形状变得较有意思了后,他会把变异速率调低,这样每一代都被分割得更薄,他就可以慢慢地发现并接近一个隐藏的形状。
- Without any interentions, about 1 in 3 children born to HI-infected mothers can eentually become infected.Botswana has drien the rate down to 7 percent. 如果不采取任何干预手段,1/3母亲是HI的孩子最终会被感染HI,波扎那将母婴HI感染率下降了7个百分点。
- This annex contains the modifications to Recommendation G.728 LD-CELP speech coding algorithm needed to reduce the coding bit rate down to 12.8 and 9.6 kbit/s. 本附件包含对建议G.;728需要将编码比特率降低至12
- At this rate we won't be able to afford a holiday. 照这样下去,我们不会有时间/钱去度假的。
- In order to keep your insurance rates down, it is important to keep your driving record as clean as possible. 要保证自己无违规驾驶,这点很重要,这样一来你的保险费率就会降下来。
- On that, we look for the BoE to ease rates by another 125bps over the next 12 months, bringing the base rate down to 3.25%. 在此,我们期待英国央行再次利用125个基点来放松利率,并在今后12个月中将基准利率下降到3.;25 %25 。
- The Bank promised to lend more money to the market, if necessary, to bring overnight rates down. 英国央行许诺要向市场出借更多货币,如果必要,将下降隔夜拆贷率。
- The People's Bank of China has been able to sterilise the monetary impact of the massive purchases of foreign currency it has undertaken to keep the exchange rate down (see charts). 为将汇率保持在低水平,中国央行买进了大量外汇,但它一直能够冲销大规模买入外汇对货币政策的影响(见图表)。
- At the same time, the central bank refinancing and rediscount interest rates down again. 同时,中央银行再贷款、再贴现利率也再次被下调。
- The rate of inflation must be held down. 通货膨胀率必须控制在低水平上。
- Interest rates down, the Government has to maintain spending, they allow their deficit, the pound against the euro has depreciated. 利率不断降低,政府一直在维持开支,放任赤字不断膨胀,英镑兑欧元已经大幅贬值。
- What's the going rate of computer programmers? 计算机程序设计人员的一般工资是多少?