- raphe postoblongata [医] 延髓后缝
- Okay, jungle boy. Grab a vine. Raph, wait. 好了,丛林小子,抓好藤蔓吧,拉斐尔,等一下
- Mikey: Hey Raph, come over here, check it out! 米开朗琪罗:嗨拉菲尔,快来看看这个!
- Raph: Not bad! But I can be better! 拉菲尔:不赖嘛,不过我可以做得更棒!
- Don: Well, raph, who's the better trainer? 多纳泰罗:嗯,拉斐尔,谁是更好的训练师?
- All right. Let's hear it. What's Raph doing? 好了,听听,拉斐尔在干什么?
- Okay, so this is my fault now, huh, Raph? 好了,那么这又是我的错了,啊,拉斐尔?
- The dorsal raphe nucleus and auditory and vestibular pathway. 与听觉、前庭系统相关的中缝背核神经通路研究进展。
- Raph: Now that was good. Great idea send this up Mikey. 拉菲尔:嘿,这回你还真行。你弄的这个东西还真不错哈。
- Median raphe nucleus did not show the decreased SERT labeling. 中缝正中核SERT标记强度未见显著降低。
- Raph is no stranger to MMOs, as he was the design force behind Ultima Online and Star Wars Galaxies. “搭便车”的小姐沿途跟我们讲解黄山旅游的风物,倒也提供了不少有用的信息,但最终把我们“嗒”到了她所工作的酒店。
- World of WarcraftBefore we get to World of Warcraft though, let's pause to learn from Raph Koster. 这恐怕是我所能得的最简明扼要的赞许了。
- Objective To identify the electrophysiological relationship between dorsal raphe (DR) and habenular nucleus (Hb). 摘要目的:验证中缝背核与缰核间的电活动及其功能联系。
- Aim: To demonstrate neurotransmitters in fibers project to dorsal hippocampus from nucleus raphe dorsalis in therat. 目的:研究大鼠中缝背核至背海马投射纤维的递质性质。
- Raph: Hey guys, hold on. Why don't you let me be in the judge who's the better trainer? Leo you first. 拉斐尔:嘿,等会,为什么你们不让我来评判你们谁是更好的训练师呢?莱昂你先来吧。
- The chain factories with ling history in the world have their own chain transmission power rating raph and powertable. 世界各国历史悠久的链条工厂都制订有自己的链传动功率曲线和率表。
- Seeds obovoid, chalazal knot elliptic, raphe raised, surface with ribs, ventral holes inconspicuous and retuse. 种子倒卵球形,种脐椭圆形,凸起,表面具肋,不明显的腹面洞和。
- Raph: Hey, I thought we had to save power while we're stuck in "the land before time". 拉菲尔:嘿,我们现在困在这个史前时代了,不是得悠着点用电吗?
- Objective:To study the changes of 5-HT in nucleus raphe dorsalis in gerbils after cerebral ischemia and reperfusion. 目的:探讨沙土鼠脑缺血时中缝背核神经元5-HT的变化。
- Raph: Ever since we got stuck in the paleozoic age, you two've been bickering like little old ladies. 拉斐尔:自从我们被困在这个古生代世界后,你们俩就像妇人一样叽叽喳喳吵个不停。