- I put her in the top rank of modern novelists. 我把她看做是当代第一流的小说家。
- I put her in the top rank of modern novelist. 我把她看做是当代第一流的小说家。
- In the army, the general takes rank of the colonel. 在军队里,将军较上校有优先权。
- The rank of book shelves seemed endless. 那一排书架似没有尽头。
- The mass of workers do not want this strike. 大多数工人不愿举行这次罢工。
- I mean officers of the rank of major and below. 我是说少校及少校以下的军官们。
- The shortage of workers is pushing up wages and swelling the ranks of China's middle class, and it could make Chinese-made products less of a bargain worldwide. 工人短缺推动工资提升,并壮大中国中产阶级队伍,同时也可能会造成中国制造的产品全球成交量降低。
- The young army officer was promoted to the rank of captain. 这个年轻军官被提升为上尉。
- Seraph is of the highest rank of angels in the Bible. 六翼天使是圣经中级别最高的天使。
- It has victimized scores of leaders and activists from the ranks of workers and the toiling masses through killings, abductions, detention, torture, harasment and other fascist and terrorist acts. 它利用谋杀、绑架、拘留、酷刑、骚扰以及其他的法西斯和恐怖主义行为,使大量出身于工人、劳苦大众的领导者和活动积极分子成为了受害者。
- They were demoted to the rank of ordinary soldiers. 他们被降为普通士兵。
- Behind the brass band came a column of workers. 在铜管乐队后,走来一队工人。
- The firm signed up another group of workers. 这家公司又招了一批工人。
- Added a new rank of Ice Barrier to mage trainers. 法师训练师增加一个新等级的寒冰护体。
- This is true of management as well as of workers. 很多管理人员和工人都是这种情况。
- He quickly rose to the rank of four-star general. 他很快就升为四星上将。
- The number of workers in our factory is 300. 我们厂有300个工人。
- He was advanced to the rank of corporal. 他被提升为下士。
- A lot of workers have been unemployed. 很多工人被解雇了。
- The captain was preferred to the rank of major. 那位上尉被提升为少校。