- range the forest for game 在森林中跑来跑去猎取猎物
- Has anyone vindicated the forest for the dead man's nephew? 有没有人为死者的侄儿要求那片森林的所有权呢?
- They combed out the forest for the lost child. 他们仔细搜索森林寻找那迷路的孩子。
- The police and the volunteers combed the forest for the lost puma from the zoo. 警察和志愿者们在森林里到处寻找动物园迷失的美洲狮。
- In times of peace they tended their flocks or ranged the woods for game. 在和平时期,他们放羊或者在森林里到处狩猎。
- "My dear children, i need to go into the forest for a bit. “亲爱的孩子们,我要到森林里去一下,你们一定要提防狼。
- The wildfire has been burning in the forest for a week now. 女:森林的野火已经烧了一星期了。
- The wolves have been howling away on the edge of the forest for hours. 那些狼在林边一直嚎叫了几个小时。
- The forest fire burned away for a week. 森林大火燃烧了一个星期。
- He was lost in the forest for three days and nights and was finally rescued by his friends. 他迷失在树林里三天三夜,最后被朋友们救了出来。
- The forest fire has been burning for three days now. 森林大火此刻已经燃烧3天了。
- The hunters beat the brush for game. 猎人拍打树丛以惊起猎物。
- The zoologist has lived in the forest for ten years and he thinks it worthwhile . 这个动物学家在丛林里生活了十年,他认为很值得。
- The forest will act as a defense against desert dust. 森林能起防御沙漠灰沙的作用。
- Hunters range the forests and plains of the Seven Kingdoms, whether lawful men plying their trade or poachers intent on stealing a deer or boar from a noble's private forest. 猎手在七国的森林和平原漫游,有的像守法良民一样拿钱贸易,而有的则像偷猎贼一样在贵族的林子里偷捕些鹿或者野猪。
- Welcome to the official Preview for Game Update 30! 欢迎来到官方游戏更新30的预览!
- Billows of flame swept through the forest. 熊熊烈火席卷森林。
- The forest was almost impassable. 森林几乎不可逾越。
- He ranged the books according to size. 他照大小顺序排列这些书。
- The fire had depleted the game in the forest. 那场大火使森林里的鸟兽濒临绝迹。