- Raising seedlings of Syringa pinnatifolia Hemsl. And S. Persica L. 羽叶丁香、花叶丁香育苗技术。
- The strong overwintering branches were good cutting materials and early summer was optimum season for raising seedlings. 健壮之越冬枝条是三角梅理想的扦插材料,初夏扦插育苗效果较好。
- Rice plants from dry raising seedlings grew roots quickly after transplanting and had more tillers and effective panicles, resulting in the higher yield of grains. 湿润育秧的秧苗,秧田期生长量大,体内积累的淀粉少,抛植大田后发苗慢,缓苗期长,最终有效穗少,产量较低;
- Study on Raising Seedling Technology of Polygonum capitatum. 头花蓼种子育苗技术研究。
- A study on the introduction and raising seedling of Pinus banksiana Lamb. 北美短叶松引种试验效果浅析。
- Techniques for Raising Seedlings of Prunus triloba 榆叶梅育苗技术
- Study on the Applies of TQM for Raising Seedlings TQM在林木育苗中的应用研究
- Raising seedlings by cuttage of Taxus yunnanensis 云南红豆杉的扦插育苗方法
- raising seedlings and silviculture 育苗造林技术
- Raising seedlings in bottomless containers 无底容器育苗
- Generally, there are three methods for raising seedling in a large scale: tissue culture, seed germination and cuttage. 通常有三种方法可以用来大规模培育红豆杉秧苗:组织培养,种子萌发和扦插繁殖法。
- Comparing seed bed culture with raising seedling dish,the former is more easily managed,and has higher amounts of tuber and higher ratio of big tuber than the later. 通过对苗床和育苗盘栽培比较 ;前者利于管理 ;结薯量和大薯率都较后者高 .
- He is busy pricking out some cabbage seedlings. 他正忙于移植一些卷心菜秧。
- He is always raising a stink about this, that or the other thing. 他总是为了这个、那个的大吵大闹,什麽事都有得吵,有得闹。
- The seedlings were equally spaced. 那些树苗以一定的间隔种植。
- They pooh-poohed our scheme for raising money. 他们对我们的筹款方案嗤之以鼻。
- I prepared the earth carefully for my seedlings. 我仔细准备好泥土栽种幼苗。
- The dry hot wind blasted the seedlings. 乾热的风使秧苗枯萎。
- He transplanted the seedlings into peaty soil. 他把幼苗移栽到含泥炭的土壤里。