- A smaller number of families may raise children. 少数家庭可以抚养孩子。
- These families may raise children as their chief occupation. 这些家庭将抚养孩子作为他们的主要职业。
- Many guardians will only dote on the child, but not the raise child. 所以,会有很多人选择给教师送礼,希望得到特殊照顾。
- Raising children is a big responsibility. 养育孩子是一项重大责任。
- We are Raising Children,not Flowers! 我们是在抚养孩子,不是在养花!
- "It's like when you raise children, they're most impressionable at their youngest stages. “这就像抚养下一代,他们在最年轻的那个时段最容易受到影响。
- Should this argument is proven to be reliable, than homosexual and single parents would be unfit to raise children. 如若这个观点被证明有理,则同性恋者和单亲家长均不适合抚养孩子。
- After all, the goal for parents is to raise children who are well-rounded, not lopsided. 毕竟,父母的目标是要培育五育均衡而非失衡的孩子,
- It takes patience, love, wisdom, courage and a good sense of humor to raise children (and not lose your sanity). 教养孩子需要付出耐心、爱心、智能、勇气以及高度的幽默感(同时不失去你明智的判断力)。
- Claire and Mary Smith,into starting their own business in 1956.The wish for independence and a good place to raise children would mark Keene, N.H. 企业简介 : The opportunity to control one's destiny while still having fun is how the toy industry lured Bill and Penny Clarke; along with St.
- Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That's why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children. 小孩如果没有生活在一男一女组成的家庭里,便无法成功。因此我们的社会禁止单亲家长养小孩。
- Without brotherly sister (include brethren, follow, raise brotherly sister) singleton, only daughter perhaps adopts lawfully raise children to be a singleton alone female. 无兄弟姐妹(包括同胞、继、养兄弟姐妹)的独生子、独生女或者依法收养的独养子女为独生子女。
- "How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society. 今天孩子的社会化方式决定了社会的明天。遗憾的是,我们还不知道如何去培养这些能有助于带来一个更好社会的孩子们。
- The ACCC children ministry aspires to come alongside parents in their efforts to raise children (newborn through 5th grade) to know, desire and follow God. 用诸般智慧,协助父母来带领儿童(新生儿至五年级)从小认识并跟随耶稣基督。所有事工需兼顾中英两堂。
- How children are socialized today determine the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society. 翻译:如今儿童如何被社会化决定了社会的命运。不幸的是,我们还没有学会怎样培养出能够建设出一个更好社会的儿童。
- From what has been disscussed above ,we shoulden't blame ourself(ves) and worried(worry) about hoe to raise children .as parents and a taxpayer ,we do a good job . 思路是好的,很清晰。但论证并没有展开,有点像四六级的模式了,稍加填充,内容就会丰满很多,多看看范文。另外,语法拼写错误太多了希望以后提交前先自行检查一遍。欢迎回拍,共同加油!
- It is natural that girls identify raising children as a female activity. 自然而然,女孩子就将带孩子看作是女性活动。
- The children are playing on the swings in the park. 孩子们在公园里荡秋千。
- He is going to go out and raise hob. 他今晚要出去纵情狂欢了。
- These families may raise children as their chief occupation,leaving the childless families free to move from job to job. 这些家庭将抚养孩子作为他们的主要职业,让不带孩子的家庭自由地从一种工作转换到另一种工作。