- The dog shook off the rain from its hair. 狗抖去毛上的雨水。
- Rain from the east, wet two day at least. 风雨东方起,至少两天雨。
- Rain from the east,wet two day at least. 风雨东方起,至少两天雨。
- How can you stop the rain from falling down? 你怎能让雨滴不再从天而降?
- Rain from the roof goes down a long spout. 屋顶上的雨水从一条漏水的管子中流出来。
- She shook off rain from her hair. 她抖掉了头上发雨珠。
- Mercy falls like the gentle rain from the sky upon the earth. 慈悲如同甘露一样从天空降到大地。
- I imagine everywhere gets a lot of rain from time to time. 我猜想所有地方都随时会下大雨。
- Flowers rained from their hands. 鲜花从他们手中四处散撒。
- In late spring, it rains from time to time. 春末不时下雨。
- The bell died in the patter of rain, from hell came the laughing of Satan at my brain. 参考答案:然钟声忽止于急雨兮,但闻撒旦之欢声笑语。
- The deep verandahs help prevent rain from flooding the house, block sunlight and keep the indoor area cool. 建筑物宽阔的露台能抵御风雨及阻隔阳光,有助降低室内气温。
- With great surprise, therefore, did she find herself prevented by a settled rain from going out again after dinner. 因此,正餐之后,她发现自己为一场久雨所阻,不能再度外出,不觉大吃一惊。
- He rushes in out of the rain from the street, closing a dripping umbrella, very wet round the ankles. 他从街上冒着雨急急忙跑过来,收起湿淋淋的伞,裤脚都湿透了。
- Ancient buildings tend to have a huge roof and extended eaves. This is to prevent rain from dampening the walls. 古代建筑习惯用大屋顶和出檐,目的是防止雨水淋湿墙体。
- It had rained from the early morning and the day came to its end. 从一早起就下雨,这一天快过尽了。
- Somehow I am always a little amused and touched to ee the wiper working busily to wipe the rain from the windscreen. 不知道为什么,每次看到挡风玻璃上的刮雨器忙碌地刮雨,我就觉得又好笑又感动。
- Residents of the Carolinas are getting ready for heavy rain from tropical storm Ernesto today. 卡罗来纳州的居民今天开始准备好迎接热带风暴欧内斯特带来的暴雨。
- Leak-proof pads at the joint of the windows and doors can prevent the rain from leaking. 这种门窗框架接合部的止漏垫片可以防止雨水渗漏。
- And Allah sends down rain from the skies, and gives therewith life to the earth after its death: verily in this is a Sign for those who listen. 真主从云中降下雨水,并借雨水使已死的大地复活;对善于听话的民众,此中确有一种迹象。