- These rude tribesmen live in the rain forest. 这些原始部落人生活在雨林之中。
- Sheltered in the umBrageof a rain forest. 躲蔽在雨林树荫下。
- What a magic tropical rain forest is. 什么叫神奇美丽的热带雨林。
- It is found mainly in rain forest. 多出没与雨林地带。
- Tropical Rain Forest, Elephant Forest. 还有热带雨林、象馆。
- The forester has explored those tropical rain forests. 那个林务员已经勘测了那些热带雨林。
- Brazil is the home of the world's largest jungle rain forest. 巴西是世界上最大的热带丛林的生长地。
- They have been vacationing in the Amazon rain forest for one month. 他们已经去亚马逊河雨林度假一个月。
- And on this day,rain forest,usually closed to visitors,is also open. 就在同一天,曾经向游客封闭的热带雨林也同时开放了。
- The Amazon rain forest is sometimes referred to as the lungs of the Earth. 亚马逊雨林有时被称为地球的肺。
- The two thousand kinds of rain forest plants contribute to the cure of cancer. 两千多种热带雨林植物对治癌有益。
- Thanks for bringing me here to see such a beautiful tropical rain forest. 谢谢你带我参观了这么美丽的热带雨林。
- The point is not that rain forests are dangerous. 问题的关键并不在于雨林本身的危险性。
- And on this day rain forest, usually closed to visitors, is also open. 就在同一天,曾经向游客封闭的热带雨林也同时开放了。
- Brazil is frequently criticized for the destruction of the Amazon rain forest. 因为亚马逊雨林受到的破坏,巴西政府饱受批评。
- "He's preserved more rain forest than anyone else on Earth," says Humes. 修姆说,“他保护的雨林面积是世界上最大的。”
- Rain forest areas surrounding secondary vegetation and around bamboo thickets. 雨林周边地区次生植被和周围竹灌木丛。
- Suriname has the largest protected area of rain forest in the world. 苏利南拥有全世界最大的热带雨林保护区。
- Aye-ayes spend their lives in rain forest trees and avoid coming down to earth. 狐猴一辈子都生活在雨林的树上,从来不下到地上来。
- Dry and decayed old trees can be seen everywhere in a tropical rain forest. 热带雨林的地面上,到处可见枯朽的老树。