- The new mass relation holds not only for the ideal-mixing nonets but also for the nonideal-mixing nonets. 这种包含味道有关的夸克偶素湮灭修正的新的质量关系,不仅适用于理想混合的介子九重态,也适用于非理想混合的介子九重态。
- In the framework of quarkonia-quarkonia mixing, considering the effect of the flavor-dependent transitions between quarkonia, the new mass relation of a meson nonet is presented. 摘要在介子-介子混合的框架下,考虑到夸克偶素间的湮灭跟味道有关这种效应,给出了一种新的介子九重态成员间的质量关系。
- We found that binaries make the population look younger by about 20%.We have made a systematic study of binary evolution of Case B and given the initial - final mass relation. 我们发展了自已的演化星族合成模型,并首次在模型中考虑了双星的影响,发现双星让星族看起来更年轻(20%25左右)。
- It indicates that a correct mass relation of a meson nonet (especially for the non ideal-mixing meson nonet) should incorporate the effect of the flavor-dependent quarkonia annihilation. 这表明,一个正确反映介子九重态(特别是非理想混合的介子九重态)成员间质量关系的公式,应该包含夸克偶素间的湮灭跟味道有关这种修正。
- On Mass Relation of a Meson Nonet 介子九重态质量关系研究
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- We can compute the circular area with radius. 我们能用半径计算出圆的面积。
- From the mass formula of T_3~3 breaking, one can find that the SU(6) symmetry gives the mass relations between different spin levels of the same strangeness analog states. 利用T_3~3破坏的质量公式,对SU(6)给出了同类奇异相似态不同自旋的能级间的联系。
- The inertia tensor is similar to mass, but whereas mass relates to the change in position of an object, the inertia tensor relates to the change in rotation of an object. 下一步我们设置物体的一些其它属性:质量和惯性张量。一个物体的质量表示有多“重”,它是相关于在场景里的物体。
- The mass rally was a total fiasco. 那次群众集会彻底失败。
- Moving or directed along a radius. 沿着或向着半径移动的
- Let's collect the sap before its consolidation into a hard mass. 让我们在树液坚固成团之前将之收集起来。
- After harvest we will have a mass of rice. 秋收后,我们将获得大量稻谷。
- She says she doesn't like children in the mass. 她说从总体上讲她不喜欢孩子。
- The police searched all the woods within a six-mile radius. 警察搜索了在周围六英里以内的树林各处。
- There are three lakes within a radius of five miles. 周围五英里之内有三个湖泊。
- The given radius being 4 ft., find the circumference. 已知半径为四英尺,求周长。
- Every family within a radius of25 miles of the city center. 住在离城中心半径25英里的范围内的家庭
- Soon the car will go into mass production. 这种小汽车不久即可投入批量生产。
- I found a mass of spawn in the fish before cooking. 烧鱼前,我发现鱼里有很多鱼籽。