- Fill your radiator with water, or your engine will overheat. 给你的散热器充水,否则引擎会过热。
- The radiator is giving out a lot of heat. 散热器释放出很多热量。
- Shall I put some anti- freeze in the radiator? 要不要在散热器里注入一些防冻剂?
- Sit by the radiator and get warm. 坐在暖气旁边,暖和暖和。
- Tom was cold so he huddled up against the radiator. 汤姆感到冷,所以他挨著散热器把身子缩成一团。
- The dog nestled up against the warm radiator. 狗倚著暖烘烘的散热器。
- This car has a fan-cooled radiator. 这部汽车有一个由风扇散热的冷却器。
- radiator profiles 散热器型材
- Where's the key for turning off the radiator? 关散热器的开关在哪里?
- HB genotypes had no effect on the iremia profiles. 乙肝基因型对病毒表达谱无影响.
- A line of hills profiles against the night sky. 夜空衬托出隐约可见的群山。
- Let me have a look at the radiator grille. 我来检查一下散热器护栅。
- The CSS validator can check different CSS profiles. CSS验证器可以检查不同的CSS配置。
- The baby flinched when he touched the hot radiator. 那个小孩一摸到暖气便缩回了。
- Wuhu Conch Profiles And Science Co. 芜湖海螺型材科技股份有限公司。
- You can store objects of any type using profiles. 可以使用配置文件存储任何类型的对象。
- Shanghai Profil Metal Ceiling Co., Ltd. 上海浦飞尔金属吊顶有限公司。
- Would you like me to look at the radiator? 要不要我检查一下散热器?
- Is the share name where the profiles are stored. 是存储配置文件的共享名。
- Tom is cold so he huddle up against the radiator. 汤姆感到冷,所以他挨著散热器把身子缩成一团。