- radiator convection heating 散热器对流式供暖
- radiator convected heating 散热器对流采暖
- The coefficient of convection heat transfer increases with increasing the particle diameters. 对流换热系数随着颗粒直径的增大而增大。
- To have convection heating device, furnace temperature is more uniform at low temperature state. 配置对流加热装置,低温状态下炉温更加均匀。
- The characteristics of natural convection heat transfer of small objects are studied in this dissertation. 本文对小尺寸物体自然对流换热的规律和特点进行了研究。
- Deals with the numerical prediction of mixed convection heat and mass transfer in plate-type indirect evaporative cooler used CFD method. 应用计算流体力学(CFD)方法建立了间接蒸发冷却板型换热器内三维层流流动与传热的数学物理模型;
- The results show that optimize the convection heat transfer coefficient of aluminum's radial could improve the homosphere of furnace interi... 结果表明,铝卷退火曲线计算值与实测值结果比较吻合。
- The benchtop system delivers forced convection heat that can be controlled with multiple time, temperature and cooling zones. 在台式系统提供强迫对流换热,可控制多时间,温度和冷却区。
- To consider the effects of free convection heat transfer in liquid zone and mushy zone, an Effective Heat Transfer Coefficient keff is defined. 论文通过引入有效导热系数keff,考虑了液相区、两相区的自然对流对传热的影响。
- The natural convection heat transfer of small objects is enhanced remarkably, due to the side edge effect and leading edege effect. 小尺寸物体的自然对流换热由于边缘效应和前缘效应,使其换热显著地强化。
- The results indicate the empirical relations can be used to analyze forced convection heat transfer of continuous flow in lower air pressure. 结果表明,低气压下,处于连续介质流的流体对流换热仍然可以利用常规情况经验准则关系式进行分析计算;
- This paper offers the measured distribution of the surface temperature of horizontal finned tube along the circumference in natural convection heat transfer. 实测了水平肋片管在自然对流换热条件下圆管表面温度在圆周方向上的分布。
- Numerical analysis on convection heat transfer of laminar pulsating flow in a circular tube with constant heat flux and constant wall temperature is investigated. 对等热流和等壁温边界条件下圆管内层流脉冲流动对流换热问题进行了数值模拟。
- Conventional submersible non-clog pump motors are air-filled non-jacketed type designed to be cooled by convection heat transfer to the surrounding media. 一般的潜水无堵塞泵电机是风冷、无加套结构设计,由周围介质的对流传热进行冷却。
- The radiator is giving out a lot of heat. 散热器释放出很多热量。
- Experiments were conducted to investigate the convection heat transfer of deionized water and copper oxide nanoparticle suspensions flowing through mini tubes. 实验研究了细圆管内去离子水和氧化铜纳米颗粒悬浮液的对流换热特性。
- Fill your radiator with water, or your engine will overheat. 给你的散热器充水,否则引擎会过热。
- An actual measurement was conducted of the supercritical CO 2 convection heat transfer factor in a round stainless steel tube of 2 mm inner diameter under typical pressure and temperature conditions. 实测了典型压力温度条件下 2mm内径不锈钢圆管内超临界CO2 对流换热系数。
- The camouflage efficiency compatibility in daytime and nighttime may be improved by camouflage cloth of alterable emissivity, of low solar energy absorptivity and of better convection heat exchange. 综合采用发射率可变涂料、降低太阳能吸收率、增强网面对流换热等技术手段可改善林地型伪装网与背景的昼夜兼容能力。
- Maze composition cooling structure of combustor is a kind of novel cooling structure incorporated the strong points of impingement,convection heat exchange and approximately perspiration cooling. 燃烧室迷宫复合冷却结构是一种集冲击、对流换热和近似发散冷却于一身,兼具冲击冷却、对流换热冷却和席壁冷却结构优点的创新性冷却结构。