- radial velocity spectrometer (RVS) 视向速度仪,视向速度光谱仪
- photoelectric radial velocity spectrometer 光电视向速度仪
- radial velocity spectrometer 视向速度仪
- In this sense the astrometry and radial velocity planet-hunting methods complement each other, each excelling in the other method's blind spot. 从这一意义上说天体测量和视向速度行星搜索法是互为补充的,各自在彼此方法的盲区表现出色。
- However, if its membership can be confirmed by proper motion and radial velocity determinations, the cause of light variation may not be pulsation. 但是,如果自行或视线速度测定证实为其成员星,那么变光的原因也许不是脉动。
- The simulation test shows this algorithm performs well for the LFM echo of moving target with unknown radial velocity under reverberation background. 仿真测试表明,该算法对于混响噪声背景下径向速度未知动目标的线性调频回波具有良好的检测性能。
- Synchronously, a numerical method is proposed for computing the precise radial velocity of the mover simply but effectively. 同时,提出一种数值计算方法可以简单有效地计算出目标不模糊径向速度。
- But the mismatch between echo and replica caused by moving target's radial velocity will degrade the detecting performance of the matched filter. 根据匹配滤波器输出峰值位置可以获得目标距离的估计,但运动目标径向速度造成的回波和样本失配将导致匹配滤波器检测性能下降。
- Only 9 other red dwarfs are known to have planetary companions, and these were all discovered through the radial velocity technique. 只有其他9个红矮星已知拥有行星伙伴,并且都是通过视向速度技术发现的。
- The new method utilizes both the multi-baseline and multi-frequency to unwrap the radial velocity and performs better than the routine method. 本方法同时利用了参差基线和参差频率的解模糊能力,比常规单参差方法解模糊能力更强。
- Actual radial velocity distribution, that have been calculated, indicate that the narrower the annulus, the slower the decrease gradient of the velocity at radia... 结果表明,环空间隙越小,其因旋转引起的速度下降沿径向衰减速度越平缓,旋转套管效果越好,证明旋转套管对提高小间隙固井质量意义更大。
- On the basis of airborne SAR/GMTI, an algorithm of spaceborne SAR moving target detection, radial velocity estimation and relocation based on DPCA technique is presented. 在此基础上,给出了一种基于DPCA技术的星载SAR动目标检测、测速及目标定位的实现方法。
- The radial velocity in three kinds of chamber, each with different types of disk-plate disk, grooved disk and bladed disk, were measured by using LDA, respectively. 同时对平板形、沟槽形、叶片形三种不同转盘结构的滤室内流体的径向速度进行了激光测定,结果表明三种转盘形式下径向速度的分布及操作参数对径向速度的影响趋势是相似的;
- slow-neutron velocity spectrometer 慢中子速度谱仪
- Analysis of tracking performance and resource management for pulse doppler phased array radar is done by simulation with incorporating radial velocity into the IMM filtering. 摘要针对脉冲多普勒体制的相控阵雷达,利用交互多模型方法,分析了径向速度对相控阵雷达跟踪性能及雷达资源管理的影响。
- A Jupiter-mass exoplanet was detected in 2000 by the radial velocity method in which astronomers look for wobbling motion of a star due to the gravitational tug of a planet. 2000年,曾经用径向速度法发现了一颗相当于木星质量的系外行星。在径向速度法中,天文学家们往往寻找恒星摆动的迹象,这种摆动是由于行星的引力作用造成的。
- The structure of the Coma cluster is discussed on the basis of the 278 member galaxies which have been statistically determined from radial velocity data of galaxies in the region of the cluster. 本文利用确定的278个视向速度成员星系;讨论了Coma星系团的结构和中心区的次团结构.
- The principle and realization of clutter cancellation,moving target detection,radial velocity estimation and relocation are presented based on the analysis of clutter cancellation necessity. 该方法在分析杂波对消必要性的基础上,给出了进行地杂波对消、动目标检测、径向速度分量估计及定位的原理和实现方法。
- Though the weak echo and no typical hail echo feature have been observed, the characteristic of radial velocity and meso-scale convergence and divergence in spring can be found quite clearly. 由于回波强度较弱,冰雹天气未出现典型特征回波,但径向速度特征表现的较为明显,在春季中尺度辐合辐散特征仍是较明显。