- radar range finder 雷达测距器
- The range finder in this camera is really good. 这架相机的测距器很管用。
- Novel method for maximum range measure of pulse laser range finder. 脉冲激光测距机最大测程测试方法研究。
- In mmW radar system, SNR affect heavily on radar range. 在毫米波雷达系统中,信噪比对作用距离的影响很大。
- This paper describes the principle of microprocessor ultrasonic range finder. 主要介绍微电脑超声测距仪的工作原理。
- With the range finder a bar with marking the several fixed distances must be affixed to the base of the tree. 使用视距器时,必须在树基部附加一根指示几种固定距离棒。
- Infrared ray range finder, drinking machine, driver berth, kitchen, bus telephone, bus backing monitor, etc. 红外线测距仪、饮水机、司机卧铺、厨房、车载电话、倒车监视器等。
- MMW high resolution radar range profile two-step stretch processing method direct digital synthesis (DDS). 标 签 毫米波高分辨雷达 距离像 双脉冲伸缩处理 直接数字合成(DDS).
- The active sensor has certain advantage for such environment navigation,the laser range finder is used here. 对于这种环境,主动式传感器具有一定的优势,文中采用了激光雷达传感器。
- The experimental results show that the laser satisfies the requirement of a spaceborne laser range finder. 对激光器的性能进行了测试,结果表明该激光器适合于空间激光测距。
- The design of the range finder is targeted on high precision and little blind area. 超声测距仪表的设计以达到高精度小盲区为目的。
- The integrated laser tester is developed in order to reduce the complexity of parameters test of laser range finder. 为了降低激光测距机性能参数测试的复杂度,开发了一体化的激光参数测试仪。
- The linearity of the FMCW signal is an important index to appraise the frequency modulated source.It determines the radar range resolution in the system of radar range. 线性调频连续波(FMCW)信号的线性度是衡量线性调频源质量的一个重要指标,在雷达测距系统中,它决定着雷达的距离分辨率。
- In theory,the conclusion for the different type laser range finder has been obtained. 理论上,得出了“不同型号的测距机所允许的最大光轴偏差是不同”的结论。
- The analysis results show that in typical cases the range positioning error of the radar-theodolite joint positioning model is basically equivalent to radar range finding error. 其结果表明,在典型情况下雷达经纬仪联合定位模型距离定位误差与雷达测距误差基本相当。
- For the sake of improving on traditional the means of telemeter, This article studys and designs Ultrasonic Range Finder Based on Singlechip. 为了改进传统测距方法的不足,本文作者研制了单片机控制的超声波测距仪。
- The next prototype is planned to include the addition of the eye-safe range finder and is planned for completion in March 2006. 下个原型被计画在三月 2006 日内包括眼睛- 保险箱范围的附加发现者而且对完成是计划了的。
- The results show that the white-painting coating has small specular reflection and large scattering angle, it is better for laser range finder. 得出了白漆涂层镜面反射很小, 散射角较大, 利于各方向接收回波信号;
- Based on repetition and stability experiment,electric eddy current range finder is choisen for on line roll profile measuremeut. 在对电涡流测距传感器进行的重复性和稳定性实验基础上,将电涡流测距传感器作为辊型在线测量装置用传感器。
- A method of radar ranging with FPGA is introduced in this paper, and its hardware structure and function of this system is also described. 摘要介绍了利用现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)技术来实现雷达测距的方式,论述了该系统的硬件结构组成和功能。