- The ship was provided with radar equipment. 那船装有雷达设备。
- We have to provide a ship with radar equipment. 我们必须为船只装上雷达设备。
- They provided radar equipment for the ship. 他们为那艘船安装雷达设备。
- They will provide the ship with radar equipment. 他们将为船只装上雷达设备。
- Radar equipment helps us a lot in our daily life. 雷达装置在日常生活中颇有用处。
- Its radar equipment was powered by a nuclear reactor. 其雷达装置由一核反应堆提供动力。
- With radar equipment and heat radiation detectors,these satellites can keep a constant watch on enemy nations. 有了雷达设备及热幅射探测器以后,这些卫星能够永久监视敌国的动向。
- With radar equipment and heat radiation detectors, these satellites can keep a constant watch on enemy nations. 有了雷达设备及热幅射探测器以后,这些卫星能够永久监视敌国的动向。
- This means they can lift improbable objects into the sky, such as dangling radar equipment. 这就意味着它们可以把原本不可能的物体带上天空,比如悬空雷达设备。
- Electiveness analysis plays an important role in the development of radar equipment.How to the effectiveness of radar equipment causes wide concern. 摘要效能分析对于雷达装备的发展具有重要意义,如何对雷达装备效能进行优化在效能分析中正受到广泛关注。
- Effectiveness evaluation for radar equipment maintenance support system was based on multiple attribute decision making (MADM). 雷达装备维修保障系统指标体系的效能评估,采用多属性决策方法。
- Low cloud and poor visibility forced both pilots to fly from their aircraft instruments rather than external references but heavy rain made their radar equipment unreliable. 当时,云层和能见度极低,两名驾驶员只能靠飞行仪器导航,但雷达在暴雨影响下,却又不大可靠。
- They picked up the yacht on their radar screen. 他们在雷达屏上看到了那艘游艇。
- Analyzed more emphases on expounding the main steps and some key points of developments of the structure system of some radar equipment using the mentioned technology. 分析了在某重点型号雷达中采用自顶向下方法开展机械结构设计的过程和关键技术。
- The army is auctioning off a lot of old equipments. 军队正在把大量旧装备拍卖掉。
- The radar scanned the sky for enemy planes. 雷达密切监视天空,搜索敌机。
- A good education should equip you for life. 有良好的教育能受用终生。
- The watchtower followed the aircraft by radar. 瞭望塔通过雷达追踪这架飞机的行踪。
- GPS, ground radar equipment, as well as traditional surveying methods were used to assess snow and ice thickness for the new measurement, and to compare it with historical data [5]. GPS,地面雷达设备以及一些传统的测量方式来测量雪和冰的厚度,从而获取新的数据,并和历史数据相比较。
- Enemy ships were detected on the radar screen. 敌舰的影像已显现在雷达(屏幕)上。