- The racial problem is in essence a class problem. 种族问题在本质上是个阶级问题。
- This novel points up the racial problems in England. 这部小说强调了英国的种族问题。
- But TV's biggest racial problem isn't that it excludes or demeans blacks. It's the other way around. 但是,电视界的最大问题不是它排斥黑人,或诋毁黑人,而是恰恰相反。
- "This country has a tremendous racial problem," says Rep. James Clyburn, D-S. C., who tried and failed twice to win statewide office. 曾两次竞选州长失败的南卡罗莱纳州民主党人、众议员詹姆斯 - 克莱伯恩说:“这个国家有严重的种族问题。
- "This country has a tremendous racial problem," says Rep . James Clyburn, D-S. C., who tried and failed twice to win statewide office. 曾两次竞选州长失败的南卡罗莱纳州民主党人、众议员詹姆斯-克莱伯恩说:“这个国家有严重的种族问题。
- Racial problems in a country can never be uncared-for. 绝不能忽视一个国家的种族问题。
- All references to racial problems were deleted from the history books. 历史书里所有涉嫌种族问题的地方都被删掉了。
- Therefore, by means of the study of the interracial sexuality, Baldwin's own confusion on the racial problem and his love for his people can be collected, which will contribute to the comprehensive understanding of Baldwin. 因而,从这个意义上说,解读该小说的跨种族性关系能够发掘鲍德温本人在对待国内种族问题上的困惑以及他对同胞难以割舍的爱,为人们更全面地了解鲍德温的思想和创作提供了一个很好的机会。
- In spite of the gains of the Civil Rights Movement, racial problems still exist. 虽然民权运动带来进步; 但是种族问题仍然存在.
- This hatred was generated by racial prejudice. 这种仇恨是由种族偏见引起的。
- Racial prejudice is (an) anathema to me. 我对种族偏见深恶痛绝。
- We should not have racial discrimination. 我们不该有种族歧视。
- I look at this problem from a different viewpoint. 我从不同的观点来看这个问题。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- It may take a long time to find a solution to the problem. 也许要花很长时间才能找到解决这个问题的办法。
- We are strongly opposed to racial discrimination. 我们强烈反对种族歧视。
- In dealing with the problem he was cautious to an extreme. 他在处理这个问题时谨慎得过分了。
- He was a sturdy fighter for racial equality. 他是一个为种族平等而奋斗的坚强战士。
- We uphold the principle of racial equality. 我们坚持种族平等的原则。
- The problem is how we are to get the raw material. 问题是我们怎样得到原材料。