- rachitis deformans 畸形性脊柱炎
- Can rigidity sex rachitis treat Yo completely now? 强直性脊柱炎现在能不能完全治育?
- Is cure of where of rigidity sex rachitis best? 强直性脊柱炎哪儿治疗最好?
- Is rigidity sex rachitis optimal what is remedial method? 强直性脊柱炎最佳治疗方法是什么?
- The remedial method with good what does rigidity sex rachitis have? 强直性脊柱炎有什么好的治疗方法啊?
- Purpose To discuss the image characteristies of Pyogenic rachitis. 目的探讨化脓性脊椎炎的影像特点。
- The prevent and treatment of children s rachitis were discussed. 对儿童佝偻病的防治也进行了讨论。
- Excuse me over there is effect of rachitis of remedial rigidity sex good? 请问那里治疗强直性脊柱炎效果好?
- Methods 42 cases of infectivity rachitis with low field strength MRI were collected. To analyze the signal characterize. 方法收集42例感染性脊柱炎的低场强MR图像,分析其信号特征。
- The medicine that what to know to be had to had been compared can treat rigidity sex rachitis? 不知道有没有什么比较好的药可以治疗强直性脊柱炎?
- But not be lumbar has bone proliferation, can diagnose add natural disposition rachitis for lumbar. 但不是腰椎有骨质增生,就可以诊断为腰椎增生性脊柱炎。
- Straight rachitis belongs to rheumatism, a chronic disease because of the pathological changes of the spine. 强直性脊柱炎属于风湿病范畴,是以脊柱为主要病变的慢性疾病。
- Conclusion: The rachitis is a result of many complexity factor, so we should take integrates control methods. 结论:佝偻病的发生是多种因素综合作用的结果,应采取综合防治措施。
- The content of Zn,Fe,Cu,Ca,Mn and Pb in blood of 103 children with rachitis was determined. 对103例婴幼儿佝偻病进行了血中锌、铁、铜、钙、锰、铅含量测定,并与健康儿童比较。
- Visible, lumbar grows spur, not be lumbar hyperplasia sex (corpulent sex) rachitis. 可见,腰椎长骨刺,并不都是腰椎增生性(肥大性)脊柱炎。
- Objctive To evaluate the value of CT in diognosis of osteitis deformans in craniofacial lone. 目的:为了探讨CT诊断颅面部畸形性骨炎的价值。
- Rigidity sex rachitis is excuse me inchoate have what symptom, can be you cured? 请问强直性脊柱炎早期有哪些症状,可以治愈吗?
- In view of clinic a new pattern of formulation was put in for exploring medication tactics for arthritis deformans. 从临床出发提出新的组方模式,探讨治疗类风湿性关节炎的处方用药方法。
- Breast feedintg, accepting sufficient sunshine and preventive administration vitamin D are useful methods for children rachitis prevention. 提倡母乳喂养、户外接受充足的日光照射、用维生素D预防投药等是预防佝偻病发生的有效措施。
- The results showed that C. deformans was a forest pest greatly devastating in Gansu, and risk management on this disease should be strengthened. 结果表明,畸形金锈菌在甘肃省是接近于高度危险的林业有害生物,应加强风险性管理力度。