- quoted exchange rata 挂牌汇价
- How many methods are available for quoting exchange rates? 汇率标价方法有哪几种?
- He quoted his own experience in Jiangxi. 他提到自已在江西的经历。
- Her theory was quoted without an acknowledgement. 她的理论被人引用而未向她致谢。
- The price they quoted was very low. 他们报的价很低。
- The shares are quoted on Stock Exchange at 13s. 证券交易所公布的这些股票的价格是13先令。
- He quoted a few verses from Shakespeare. 他引用了莎士比亚的几行诗。
- The dialogue in old books is not quoted. 旧书里的对话不加引号。
- Do you accept foreign exchange certificate? 你们接受外汇券兑换券吗?
- He quoted some old Chinese sayings to illustrate his points. 他引用了一些中国古话来解释他的论点。
- Trading on the Stock Exchange was light today. 证券交易所今日交投平平。
- The minister quoted from the Bible. 牧师引用《圣经》的语句。
- She was quoted as saying she disagreed with the decision. 用她的话说,她不同意这一决定。
- A soldier was wounded in the exchange. 一名士兵在交火中受伤。
- The above prices are quoted without engagement on our part. 请你们选择决定上述报价我方均不受约束。
- He gave me an apple in exchange of an orange. 他给我一个苹果,交换一个橙子。
- He quoted 2,000 dollars for repairing the door. 他要价两仟元修那扇门。
- Each telephone served by a private branch exchange. 由专用小交换机提供服务的电话分机。
- By just exchange one for another giver. 就这样以心相许相与。
- The London Stock Exchange is in turmoil today. 今天伦敦证券市场一片混乱。