- Mr. Potato Head: Quick go get some dynamite! 老白薯:敢快取炸药来吧!
- In the tucked position, quickly go for the grab. 在屈体的位置的时候,迅速进行抓板。
- The news quickly went the round of the village. 消息很快传遍了全村。
- The news quickly went the rounds of the village. 消息很快传遍了全村。
- It is not worth taking many vegetables. They quickly go bad. 带这么多蔬菜不值,因为蔬菜易烂。
- The Sorcerer knows we are here! We must quickly go! Hurry! 魔法师知道我们在这里了!我们必须赶快离开!快点!
- She thin haggard quickly go on, Qian Jin ah saw nothing. 她迅速地消瘦憔悴下去,金啊倩看在眼里,无能为力。
- They can bruise easily, and damaged potatoes can quickly go bad. 他们很容易擦伤,而且损坏的土豆很容易烂掉。
- The boy quickly went on an errand with money clasped in his hands. 男孩手里握着钱快速地跑出去买东西。
- The news quickly went the round of the town. 消息很快传遍了全镇。
- Fruit quickly goes rotten in hot weather. 热天里的水果很快腐烂。
- A cow-hocked dog is moved quickly going away. 一只有牛样及弯曲跗关节的狗会被他很快地被移动走开。
- Those who are not killed for their insolence6 are often so severely punished by society that they quickly go back or jump into another equally abusive partnership. 那些幸免遇害的妇女因不屈从常受社会严惩,因而她们要么又立马回家,要么跳入另一个火坑。
- Then Moses quickly went down on his face in worship. 摩西急忙伏地下拜,
- The album debuted at number two and quickly went platinum. 专辑一亮相就荣登排行榜第二名,很快就取得了白金销量。
- Everybody quickly went to the bomb shelter when the alert sounded. 防空警报响起时,大家都快速进了防空洞 。
- She quickly went to the classroom after hearing the bell. 她听到上课铃后,急步赶到教室。
- Like opening a door with rusty hinges, the man will make unusual noises.By ignoring his grumbles they quickly go away. 他的抱怨就像打开生锈的铰炼必会发生一些摩擦声,但一旦打开,摩擦声就消失了。
- Wolf come, is flurried in pig nest uneasy.Pig mama arrangement work:big pig quick go to door! 狼来了;猪窝里慌乱不安.;猪妈安排工作:大猪快去堵门!
- Another kind of waiting is more agonizing when the cause usually does not quickly go away. 另一类等待就更痛苦,因为造成等待的原因通常不会很快消失。