- He believed that the American Indian would quickly disappear. 他相信美国印第安人将很快消失。
- Both men quickly disappeared down the hatch. 两个人很快从舱口下去不见了。
- Problems of soil conservation and shoreland development are not likelyto quickly disappear. 土壤保持和滨海地开发问题也不可能很快消失。
- Problems of soil conservation and shoreland development are not likely to quickly disappear. 土壤保持和滨海地开发问题也不可能很快消失。
- Problems of soil conservation and shoreland development are not likelyto quickly disappear . 土壤保持和滨海地开发问题也不可能很快消失。
- Flash mob: group of people who gather in a usually predetermined location, perform some brief action, and then quickly disappear. 意指一群人在预先约定的地点集合,进行简短活动后迅速解散。
- Her nervousness quickly disappeared once she was on stage. 她一走上台紧张情绪便迅速消失了。
- He stood bareheaded in the road, watching her quick disappearance. 他光着头站在路上,盯牢着她,很快地她就无影无踪了。
- However, these studies on species invasions have tended to focus on species that are more likely to be successful colonizers than those that quickly disappear from the invaded communites. 然而这些研究多集中于成功入侵的外来种而没有考虑从生态系统中迅速消失的外来种。
- Yet within China, the triumphalism of the Olympics has quickly disappeared. 然而在中国,奥运会的胜利感觉已迅速湮灭。
- Larry Crowder of Duke University told the meeting that leatherbacks are quickly disappearing. 杜克大学的拉里?克劳德在大会上指出,棱皮龟很快会绝迹。
- Their advance could shed light on why the foam on a pint of lager quickly disappears, but the froth on a pint of Guinness sticks around. 他们的研究结论可能可以解释,为何一大杯黑啤酒的泡沫会迅速消失,但一杯Guinness啤酒的泡沫会留著的原因。
- In sum, almost half of shareholders' equity quickly disappeared, and the value of TTE's shares on the Hong Kong stock exchange collapsed. 算下来,股民几乎一半的资产就这样迅速流失了,TTE在香港股交易市场也崩盘了。
- Instant material culture and electronic entertainment are causing the quick disappearance of the arts, literature and philosophy, like the "rain forest". 速食式的物质文化与电子化的休闲方式,让艺术、文学和哲学走向“热带雨林化”,迅速消失。
- There is also evidence that water may still seep to the surface from underground, although it quickly disappears in the cold, thin atmosphere of the red planet. 也有证据显示水还可能从地下渗透到表面,虽然由于这红色星球稀薄的大气层而十分寒冷,水会迅速消失。
- He had to make a quick change at Shanghai. 他不得不在上海匆忙换车。
- John was both clever and quick in the uptake. 约翰既聪明,理解能力又强。
- Cook the meat quickly at first to seal in the juices. 一开始要大火烧肉,以便保存肉汁。
- It is a nice song and I think it will catch on quickly. 这首歌很好,我想它会很快流行起来。
- The new folk song caught on really quickly. 这首新民歌流行得真快。