- He had to make a quick change at Shanghai. 他不得不在上海匆忙换车。
- He had to make a quick change at Crewe. 他得在克鲁迅速换车。
- So far from variation or quick change? 没有转调,也没有迅速的变化?
- He had to make a quick change atCrewe. 他得在克鲁迅速换车。
- Della's fingers tore at the string and paper. Then came an excited scream of joy, and then, alas! a quick change to tears. 德位的手指撕扯着绳子和包装纸。然后是一声狂嘉的尖叫,哎呀!紧接着又变为满脸的泪水。
- It can replace the traditional mechanical diesel engine unit. 可取代传统的机械式柴油发动机组,无噪声、无烟尘、无公害;
- Now a quick change to things internal from things external. 好,闲话少说,言归正传。
- Shaft-less pneumatic cone-top device for quick change. 无轴气动锥顶装版机构,换版省时方便。
- According to specific requirements, the thermoplastic sheet is embossed directly in a post-calender unit equipped with a device for quick change of the embossing roll. 根据具体要求,可在压延机下辅设备中对塑料片材直接进行压花,下辅设备中配有可以快速更换压花辊的装置。
- "Brawn demonstrated that it is possible to change engine even at a late stage," the Briton added. "罗斯布朗表明,它有可能改变甚至引擎在后期阶段,“英国人说.
- Capousek's ousting led to quick changes. 察保谢克下课后,皮划艇队发生了迅速的变化。
- Quick change tapping chuck with preset saving device for tapping and drilling. 安装了钻孔和攻丝简便装置的快换攻丝夹头。
- To find out the performance characteristic of aerospike nozzle, the simulated tests were a aerospike engine unit using solid propellant. 为了了解塞式喷管性能,采用固体推进剂对塞式喷管单元发动机进行了模拟实验。
- Yet rational herds can quickly change their minds. 但理性羊群可以很快改变它们的主意。
- This quick change module allows for quick and safe nozzle changes. 使用此快速更换模块可以快速安全地更换喷嘴。
- Atmospheric conditions can change engine performance considerably. The effects of engine inlet temperature and ambient pressure on engine performance are shown in Fig[3.14]. 大气条件可以相当的改变引擎的性能。进气温度和环境压力对发动机性能的影响列于图[3.;14]。
- A senior mechanical engineer units. 单位拥有高级机械工程师。
- Quick change tapping chucks with adjustable friction clutch tap fixted with screws. 带扭力保护装置的快换夹头,丝锥由螺丝固定。
- The second method of changing engine operating parameters means, in essence, operating fuel lean to increase combustion. 第二种改变发动机工作参数的方法的用意,本质上是用贫燃料来增加燃烧。
- In 1992, the Chinese government dispatched an engineer unit to support the UNTAC peace-keeping operations. 1992年,中国政府派遣工程兵部队参加联合国驻柬埔寨临时权力机构的维持和平行动。