- How much do all these figures stack up to? 这些数字的总和是多少?
- Our firm is stacking up pretty well these days. 我们公司目前情况相当不错。
- The letter was referred back (to us) with a query. 该函已退给(我方)要求对某问题加以解释。
- Mother is stacking the plates in the kitchen. 母亲在厨房里把盘子一个个叠起来。
- Query, when will they carry out the project? 请问,他们什么时候执行这一方案?
- I have a query about his sincerity. 我对他的诚意有怀疑。
- They are busy stacking up plates. 他们正忙着把盘子叠起来。
- He placed his books in a neat stack. 他把书整整齐齐放成一堆。
- You will find a little stack of candles in reserve. 你会发现一小堆备用蜡烛。
- The grain has gone mouldy in the stack. 垛里的谷子发霉了。
- Folded the laundry; folded the chairs for stacking. 折起洗好的衣服; 折起椅子放在一边
- query stacking 查询堆栈
- How does our product stack up against those of yours? 我们的产品与你们的相比怎么样?
- That's how things stack up today. 目前的情况总之就是这样。
- I query whether it is right to do so. 我怀疑那样做是否正确。
- There is a stack of dishes to be washed in the kitchen. 厨房里还有一大堆盘子要洗。
- I send all my income tax query to my accountant. 我把所有有关所得税的疑问送交会计师。
- I query whether he can be trusted. 挑选後继人的问题已经提出。
- I query whether his word can be relied on. 我怀疑他的话是否可靠。
- I query the validity of his statement. 我对他的说法提出质疑。