- The component that does this is called the query optimizer. 处理此过程的组件称为“查询优化器”。
- This makes sure that the plan guide is used by the query optimizer. 这将确保计划指南可由查询优化器使用。
- The indexed view is used by the query optimizer to produce the query plan. 查询优化器使用该索引视图生成查询计划。
- Selectivity Estimation is the base of spatial database query optimizer. 选择性估计是设计空间数据库查询优化器的基础。
- An entry is added to the system catalog to indicate to the query optimizer that such a remote index exists. 一个条目被添加到系统编目中,以向查询优化器表明存在那样的一个远程索引。
- The query optimizer in SQL Server 2005 reliably chooses the most effective index in the vast majority of cases. SQL Server 2005中的查询优化器可在大多数情况下可靠地选择最高效的索引。
- For each query, the query optimizer compares the execution cost of many alternative execution plans. 对于每个查询,查询优化程序将比较多个不同执行计划的执行成本。
- Accurate index information and statistics are fundamental to cost-based decisions in the query optimizer. 准确的索引信息和统计信息是查询优化器中基于成本的决策的基础。
- If one or more query hints causes the query optimizer not to generate a valid plan, error 8622 is raised. 如果一个或多个查询提示导致查询优化器不生成有效计划,则产生8622错误。
- Forces the query optimizer not to recompile a query due to changes in statistics. 强制查询优化器不因统计信息的更改而重新编译查询。
- Forces the query optimizer to relax the estimated recompile threshold for a query. 强制查询优化器对查询放宽估计的重新编译阈值。
- USE PLAN can be used to force the query optimizer to use a specified query plan for a query. USE PLAN可以用于强制查询优化器为查询使用指定的查询计划。
- The total cost to the query optimizer for executing this operation and all operations preceding it in the same subtree. 查询优化器执行此操作及同一子树内位于此操作之前的所有操作的总开销。
- Using FORCE ORDER does not affect possible role reversal behavior of the query optimizer. 使用FORCE ORDER不会影响查询优化器可能的角色逆转行为。
- Query optimizers estimate only intermediate result sizes. 查询优化器只估计中间结果的大小。
- In addition, there is a query optimizer to decide whether to use an index or perform a brute-force sequential search. 而且,还有查询优化器来确定是使用索引还是执行蛮力顺序搜索。
- In most cases, the majority of time that Database Engine Tuning Advisor spends tuning is in making calls to the query optimizer. 大多数情况下,数据库引擎优化顾问花在优化上的大部分时间是调用查询优化器。
- For example, the user may specify a dynamic cursor, but the query optimizer is permitted to convert this cursor type to a static cursor. 例如,用户可能指定一个动态游标,但允许查询优化器将此游标类型转换为静态游标。
- This allows the query optimizer to do a better job of analyzing the complex query, as the statistics can now closely reflect the actual cost. 这使得查询优化器可以更有效地分析复杂的查询,因为现在统计信息近似地反映实际成本。
- If such a plan is not possible, the query optimizer returns an error instead of deferring error detection to query execution. 如果不能使用这样的计划,查询优化器将返回错误而不是延迟对查询执行的错误检测。