- quasi variational inequality 准变分不等式
- A Class of Generalized Set-Valued Mixed Quasi Variational Inequalities 一类广义集值混合拟变分不等式组
- Predictor-corrector method for multivalued general mixed quasi variational inequalities 一般混合集值拟变分不等式的预估-校正算法
- The global resolvent-type error bounds for generalized quasi variational inclusions are given under certain conditions. 其研究结果可以讨论集值拟变分包含的各种迭代方法的收敛性。
- generalized - variation inequality 广义变分不等式
- A convergence estimate and approximation for a kind of parabolic variational inequality is discussed. 摘要本文讨论了一类抛物型变分不等式的近似收敛问题。
- It is shown that the variational inequality model can be equivalent to dynamic departure time problem. 结果表明,建立的变分不等式模型等价于动态用户最优出发时间选择问题。
- Keywords: semidefinite monotone variational inequality, the prediction-correction method, semidefinite complementarity problems. 关键词:预测校正算法;变分不等式问题;半正定互补问题。
- The concepts of the global (local) resolvent-type error bounds for set-valued quasi variational inclusions are presented, which can be used to analyze the convergence rates of various methods. 摘要提出了集值拟变分包含的全局预解类误差界的概念,给出集值拟变分包含的全局预解类误差界。
- A monotone linear variational inequality (LVI) is acquired from the smooth problem and it may be solved by a projection-contraction (PC) method. 在定位过程中,将非光滑约束韦伯问题转化为优化问题,再将之化为单调线性变分不等式,进而通过投影-收缩方法;
- Then using this auxiliary variational inequality, established the iterative algorithm for mixed quasi-variational-like inclusion. 然后,通过这一辅助形式建立混和拟似变分包含问题解的迭代算法。
- Generalized Multiple -Valued Vector Variation Inequality 广义多值向量变分不等式
- Yiran He. Stable Pseudomonotone Variational Inequality in Reflexive Banach Spaces, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications , 330(2007), 352--363. 王敏;何诣然.;向量变分不等式的严格可行性问题
- The plastic process analyses on rectangular plate upsetting were made in detail on the basis of the principle of generalized variational inequality subjected to friction. 基于摩擦约束广义变分不等式原理,对长矩形板镦粗进行详细的塑性加工工步分析。
- It is well known that the variational inequality problem (VIP) can be reformulated as an unconstrained minization problem through the generalized D-gap function. 摘要变分不等式问题可以通过广义D-间隙函数转化为一个无约束最优化问题。
- A route-based variational inequality model and a heuristic algorithm of the dynamic user optimal route choice problem were proposed by the link travel time function. 运用该阻抗函数建立基于路径的动态用户最优路径选择变分不等式模型,给出了该模型的启发式算法。
- A new projection algorithm is proposed for mixed variational inequalities. 摘要作者提出了混合变分不等式的一个新的投影算法。
- At each iteration, the proposed subproblem consists of a strongly monotonic linear variational inequality and a well-conditioned system of nonlinear equations, which is easily to be solved. 在每步迭代计算中,新方法提出了易于计算的子问题,该子问题由强单调的线性变分不等式和良态的非线性方程系统构成。
- set-valued quasi variational inclusions 集值拟变分包含
- For the vector variational inequality related to radial epiderivative (VVIP)R we proposed, various kinds of concepts of efficient solution pairs and proper efficient solution pairs are given. 提出了与仿射上导数相关的向量变分不等式问题(VVIP)_R,并给出了它的各种有效解对、真有效解对的定义;