- This was known as the Steady State theory. 这就是人们熟知的静态宇宙理论。
- The QSS (Quasi Steady State) model of converter which neglects the negative impedance of DC system will bring some errors when three phase unbalanced fault occurs in AC system. 当交流系统发生三相不对称故障时,忽略直流系统负序分量的准稳态模型将给交直流混合系统的仿真带来较大的误差。
- The steady state theory has been abandoned in favor of the big bang theory. 稳恒态宇宙学说已经被抛弃,取而代之的是大爆炸学说。
- An Approach to Trace Power System Quasi Steady State Time Domain Trajectories of Medium and Long Term Voltage Stability 中长期电压稳定准稳态时域轨迹追踪方法
- Quasi Steady State Simulation of Large-Bore Low-Speed Two-Stroke Diesel Engine Propulsion Plant System 大型低速二冲程柴油机动力装置的准稳态仿真
- quasi steady state flow 准稳态流动
- quasi steady staten. 似稳状态
- Quasi steady state simulation 准稳态仿真
- steady state theory 稳恒态学说
- Only a steady state, or pathway equilibrium, is reached. 所能够达到的只不过是恒态性的平衡。
- Equations of steady drawdown,seepage velocity,quasi steady time and ideal well distance were obtained through analytic seepage equation. 通过分析理论解,从中得出稳态降深方程、稳态渗流速度方程、准稳态时间方程和理想井间距方程。
- A steady state causes a full TCP window of data in transit. 稳定状态导致传输的数据占满整个TCP窗口。
- This steady state rise in voltage is referred to as a swell. 这种电压的稳态上升称为电压升高。
- The flow stress remains a conant during steady state deformation. 稳态流变阶段,流变应力基本保持不变;
- The definition implies two resultant temperatures, transitory and steady state. 该定义包括有瞬时的和稳态的两种合成温度。
- The unsteady aerodynamics on body are dealt with two quasi steady aerodynamics theories(i.e. slender body method and subsection aerodynamics derivative method which are applicable to subsonic and supersonic flight conditions). 用细长体理论和气动导数方法计算了导弹的非定常气动力 ,两种方法均适用于亚音速和超音速情况。
- The CPU percent we measured is the average of the one hour steady state. 我们所测量到的CPU的百分比是一个小时后恒定态的平均值。
- The CPU percentage shown is the average of the one hour steady state. 图中所显示的CPU的百分比是一个小时后恒定态的平均值。
- This allowed Domino 6.5 To keep up with the load, and reach steady state. 这使Domino 6.;5能够承受这一负载;并达到稳定状态。
- Afterwards, the method of articulation will be a workable instrument for constructing the framework of state theory. 经过这道手续,接合的方法在建构国家理论架构上将会变成为可行的工具。