- The static strength test results and carbody steel structures of 25G semi cushioned seat cars and semi cushioned berth sleeping cars are described briefly. 简述了南京浦镇车辆厂生产的25G型硬座车和硬卧车的车体钢结构及其静强度试验结果。
- Comparison and Analysis on the Static Strength Test Results of Carbody Steel Structures of 25G Semi cushioned Seat Cars and Semi cushioned Berth Sleeping Cars Manufactured in Puzhen Works 浦厂 25G 型硬座车和硬卧车车体钢结构静强度试验结果比较与分析
- By using this method, it is quantitative analyzed that reliability range of virgin static strength of spherical vessel at pressure test of all severe condit... 在最苛刻的气压与液压试验条件下,对球形容器初始静强度的可靠度范围进行定量分析。
- Concrete bending tensile strength test machine. 混凝土抗折机。
- The crushing process, peak load and energy absorption property of carbon epoxy circular waved beams under quasi static loading are investigated experimentally in this paper. 用试验研究了碳纤维-环氧树脂圆弧型波纹梁在轴向准静态载荷下的损毁过程、峰值载荷和能量吸收能力。
- The results of the test show that the static strength of this frame fulfills the requirement of TB/T1335-1996,and the fatigue strength of this frame fulfills the requirement of AAR-M213-80. 试验结果表明 ,构架的静强度满足TB/T13 3 5 -1996规定的标准 ,疲劳强度满足AAR -M2 13 -80规定的要求
- The features of Frame of Truck Used for Freight Car Exporting to Pakistan is introduced. According to the standards of TB/T1335-1996 or AAR-M213-80,the static strength and fatigue test of this frame is completed. 介绍了出口巴基斯坦货车转向架构架的结构特点 ,分别按TB/T13 3 5 -1996规范和AAR -M2 13 -81技术条件对其进行了静强度和疲劳强度试验。
- Standard forms for concrete bending tensile strength test cube. 混凝土抗折试模。
- Standard forms for concrete compressive strength test cube. 混凝土抗压试模。
- The trialproduction and test indicate that the static strength and dynamic fatigue strength meet the design requirements,and that the noise in the driver's cab is not conformed with the standard at high speed. 试制试验表明,动力车车体静强度和动疲劳强度满足设计要求; 司机室噪声在高速时超标。
- Standard forms for grout compressive strength test cube. 砂浆试模。
- quasi static and dynamic mechanics properties 动静态力学性能
- Axial crushing energy dissipation behavior of glass/epoxy round tubes is investigated both dynamically and quasi statically. 研究了玻璃纤维增强环氧圆柱管轴向撞击和准静态压缩下的能量吸收特性。
- On the basis denoted above, calibrating calculation is conducted on its stiffness, static strength, fatigue strength and its stability. 在此基础上,对支架进行了刚度、静强度、疲劳强度和稳定性校核计算。
- For flexural strength test of cement specimen and other nonmetallic material. 用作水泥或其它非金属脆性材料试块的抗折强度测定。
- Study on the influence of constitutive parameters of rubber on static strength of the resilient wheelset is also carried out. 同时,研究了橡胶的本构参数对弹性轮对静强度的影响。
- The hinge sleeve is the key part of the diamond cubic press, now its design bases on the static strength and the analogizing design. 摘要金刚石六面顶压机的关键零件铰链梁工作中受变载荷作用,易出现疲劳破坏。
- Utilizing the finite element method, the dynamic strength and static strength of transformer HV winding under short-circuit force are calculated. 对短路电动力作用下的变压器高压绕组,应用有限单元法分别进行了动态强度计算和静态强度计算。
- Indirect methods to measure the interface bond strength include the interlaminar shear strength test. 测量界面粘结强度的间接方法包括层间剪切强度试验。
- The aim of induction quenching has been enlarged from only improving local wear resistance to improving whole static strength and fatigue strength of parts. 感应淬火的目的已从仅仅提高零件的局部耐磨性扩大到提高零件的整体静强度和疲劳强度。