- As a kind of public medium, TV news timely seminating news events to numerous households with its audiovisual effects. 摘要电视新闻作为一种大众传媒,以其独特的视听效果,及时将新闻事件传播到千家万户。
- The leader of a country is often vulnerable to the public media. 国家领导人常常易受媒体的抨击。
- quasi public physical productions 准公共体育产品
- In case a real estate appraisal institution loses its qualification certificate, it shall declare its invalidation on a public medium and apply for another qualification certificate. 房地产估价机构遗失资质证书的,应当在公众媒体上声明作废后,申请补办。
- Analysis on the Quasi Public Welfare Water Works Management System 准公益性水利工程管理体制问题分析
- Of these policy drive, will of enterprise of ecbolic China publication medium " aircraft carrier " . 这些政策的推动,将会催生中国出版传媒企业的“航空母舰”。
- I understood from the public media that you wish to have an agent in this market. 我从公共媒体获悉,你方想在这个市场上有一个代理人。
- Jessica as guest to the b-day party Koojai held for his father that is made known to the public media. 古仔为父亲举办生日会,萱受邀参加,被传媒知晓。
- The second advisory body can not make an open public media publicity. 第二种咨询机构不能在公开媒体上做公开宣传。
- Encourage and support social capital especially the share-holding system that state-owned and large company shares publication medium business is transformed. 鼓励和支持社会资本特别是国有大型企业参与出版传媒企业的股份制改造。
- What is regrettable is that most of the discussion that appears in public media forums does not touch upon the universal values which constitute an ideal society. 遗憾的是出现在媒体公共论坛上之大部份论述均未触及构成一个理想社会的普世价值。
- In such cases the National Biodiversity Authority will produce such list of plant varieties and publish in public media. 在上述情况下,国家生物多样性管理局将编制上述植物品种名录并在公共媒体上发布。
- At the same time, the recent public media have not reported that the company may or may have great impact on stock prices of the undisclosed material information. 与此同时,近期公共传媒也没有报道可能或已经对公司股票交易价格产生较大影响的未公开重大信息。
- Her resignation caused much public debate. 她辞职一事引起群众议论纷纷。
- Can foreknow, change as each place make turn what look forward to works is progressively fulfil advance, publication medium industry will be lifted new round appear on the market upsurge. 可以预见,随着各地方改制转企工作的逐步落实推进,出版传媒行业将掀起新一轮的上市热潮。
- Breed a batch to walk along connotation type to develop viatic energetically at the same time " only, essence of life, special, new " enterprise of contemporary publication medium. 同时大力培育一批走内涵式发展道路的“专、精、特、新”的现代出版传媒企业。
- I hope my ideas are in step with public opinion. 我希望我的想法跟公众舆论是一致的。
- Public opinion was against the old feudal system. 公众舆论反对旧的封建制度。
- Of these policy drive, will the aircraft carrier of the publication medium enterprise of ecbolic China, can be the same as with the large medium group on international undertake competitive. 这些政策的推动,将会催生中国的出版传媒企业的航空母舰,能够跟国际上大型的传媒集团同场进行竞争。
- Railroad trains and buses are public conveyances. 火车和公共汽车是公共交通工具。