- quarrel between father and son 父子间的争吵
- She often had to act as a buffer between father and son. 她常常不得不在父子之间扮演调解人角色。
- He alternated his character between father and son in the play. 翻译 他在剧中轮流扮演父亲和儿子两个角色。
- The first clip is about a dialogue between father and son on the eve of Will's wedding day. 第一个片断是父子之间在儿子婚礼前夜的对话。
- In this way, the friction between father and son has been constantly bickering is also increasing. 就这样,父子间的摩擦便一直不断,争吵也越来越多。
- At Brandeis, Mitch and Morrie shared a relationship more like that between father and son than teacher and student. 最后他连呼吸都乏力,他只有数月的寿命。
- At moments of unexpected danger,angry feelings between father and son are often forgotten,and blood unexpectedly proves it self thicker than water. 在意外危险时刻,父子间的恶感常被丢在一边,出人意料地证明血是浓于水的。
- Arthur Miller, in Death of a Salesman, develops the ancient Oedipus theme through the interaction between Father and Son in a modern family. 阿瑟·米勒在其著名剧作《推销员之死》中通过一个现代家庭中的父子关系演绎了俄狄浦斯情结这一古老的主题。
- I intervened in the quarrel between my father and mother. 父母争吵,我居中进行了调停。
- At moments of unexpected danger, angry feelings between father and son are often forgotten, and blood unexpectedly proves it self thicker than water. 在意外危险时刻,父子间的恶感常被丢在一边,出人意料地证明血是浓于水的。
- The contrast of the strong and the weak makes the conflict between father and son who are antagonistic to each other lack a tension of struggle. 作为对立面的父与子,强与弱的反差造成了父子之间的冲突缺少一种斗争的张力,因而曹禺剧作中的“父子冲突”始终未能真正形成。
- Since I have my own memery,quarrels between father and mother have never stoped. 自从我记事起,爸爸和妈妈的争吵就没有停止过。
- Yujo:All human life begins with love between man and woman,from which the other unman relationships such as between father and son and between brothers follow. (吴)雨若曰:世界原从情字生出。有夫妇然后有父子,有父子然后有兄弟,有兄弟然后有朋友,有朋友然后有君臣。
- The godlike father in Kafka"s writings is no doubt the reflection of the relationship between father and son in reality.Father as a mirror also help Kafka look into the life. 第一,卡夫卡的作品中有着上帝般的父亲,这无疑和他现实生活中紧张而复杂的父子关系有明显地联系,父亲这面镜子也凝缩着卡夫卡对生活的思考。
- Father and son have a great rapport. 父子情深。
- Father and son took spells at the wheel. 父子轮流开车。
- Father and son acceded to the same political party. 父子俩加入了同一个政党。
- Replacing the playful and demonstrative affection between father and son in the" Kihachi" series, this film observes silently the moments when emotions are unconsciously in unison, and is all the more touching. 儿子在入伍前,要到东京验身,终于能和父亲住在一起,可是父亲却在这时突然病危,子欲养而亲不在,总叫人唏嘘不已。
- The conflict between father and son had now become an inescapable reality for him and his son Sun-fu, and he now seemed as cantankerous and eccentric to his son as his father had once seemed to him. 第二代的“父与子的冲突”又在他自己和荪甫中间不可挽救地发生。而且如果说上一代的侍郎可算得又怪僻,又执拗,那么,吴老太爷正亦不弱于乃翁;
- The relation bet ween anomaly and earthquake seems to be an attendant relation between brothers, but not causality between father and son, which is the main cause of false earth quake prediction. 异常与地震是相互伴生的兄弟关系,不是父子间的因果关系,是造成地震虚报的主要原因。