- quaque tertia hora 每三小时
- omni tertia hora (拉)每三小时
- Xiao Wang: Aproximadamente una hora y media. 小王:大约一个半小时。
- A que hora debe llegar este tren? 这次列车定于什么时间到?
- Kutna Hora developed as a result of the exploitation of the silver mines. 库特纳霍拉的发展是银矿开采的结果。
- Qui passus est pro salute nostra: descendit ad inferos: tertia die resurrexit a mortuis. 因为正如有理性的灵魂与肉体合成一个人,同样,天主与人合成一个基督。
- Smiling, she would answer, "A la hora Latina, of course." This meant that she would be late. 她总会笑眯眯地回答说:“当然是按拉丁时间啦”,这意味着她将会迟到。
- At day's end the PRAP walkers carry their surface finds back to a temporary museum in a Hora schoolhouse. 晚上,PRAP的步行者把他们在地面发现的物品带回设在赫拉村学校校舍内的一个临时博物馆内。
- Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus.Nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. 天主圣母玛利亚,求你现在和我们临终时,为我们罪人祈求天主。
- Media hora mas tarde de semejante carga emocional,Nunez llego a las Islas Malvinas. 半个小时之后,怀着和当时同样激动的心情,Nunez到达了马尔维纳斯半岛。
- The second round of the South Korean players against Puyong Xun Section 6 of the Czech amateur Hora. 第二轮,韩国棋手朴永训九段对阵捷克的业余6段霍拉。
- A parir de las cuatro y media, hacemos deports hasta la hora de la cena.Cenamos entre las seis y seis y media. 从四点半开始;我们有体育活动直到晚饭时;晚饭从六点到六点半.;(舒服啊!
- Methods Sixty patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease were divided into two groups. In the treatment group, 36 patients received BCG PSN 0.5mg intramuscular injection, quaque die alterna, for 18 times. 方法 将 6 0例稳定期慢性阻塞性肺病患者随机分为治疗组和对照组 ;治疗组 36例接受卡介菌多糖核酸 0 .;5 mg肌肉注射;隔日1次;共 18次 ;
- Israel`s very best teachers and choreographers have worked with Hora and many of its alumni have moved on to their dance groups throughout the country. 他们演出来自世界各地犹太移民的古代和现代的民族民间歌舞和富有中东特色的以色列本土歌舞,内容丰富,形式多样。
- Survey work is done by walking, he explained as we sat in the cool of the evening at PRAP headquarters in the village of Hora. 凉爽的夜晚,我们坐在位于赫拉村的PRAP总部,戴维斯向我解释说,调查工作是通过步行完成的。
- Objective To compare the efficacy and the risk of hypoglycemia of glargine quaque die and mixed insulin bis in die on the condition of controlling the blood glucose unsuccessfully with oral drugs. 目的在口服降糖药不能良好控制血糖的情况下,加用每日1次甘精胰岛素或加用每日2次预混胰岛素治疗,比较这两种方案的疗效和低血糖的风险。
- Kutna Hora, sounds like a small small town, but have many famous sites and they have well organized information signals for tourist. 古特纳霍拉市应该系几细的一个市镇,不过有好多好出名的名胜而且佢地准备得好好四围都有指示牌方便游客。
- After catching most of the sights in Prague, I next head for a small town called Kutna Hora, about a one hour train ride from Prague. 捷克的主要旅游景点看了七七八八后,决定到捷克周边去看看,于是去了一个叫库特拉霍拉的小镇。
- Dar placer genera un placer propio a la hora de tener sexo con otras personas, en lo personal me encanta las mujeres mayores por que saben lo que quieren......... 各种话题:臀部迷恋,黑人熟女,啤酒和酒类,胸部迷恋,紧身褡,恋发癖,皮类,女用贴身内衣裤,按摩,解放阵线,开放的友谊关系,私人派对,情趣玩具,恋鞋癖,制服/服装
- Luckily, we chanced upon a Chinese restaurant and I managed to have the best Chinese meal I had since leaving China, hence I did not feel as if I wasted my time in Kutna Hora. 好在最后无意间发现了一个中国餐厅,吃了自离开中国以来最好吃的一顿中餐,我才没有觉得浪费时间到库特拉霍拉来。